chapter 9

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READING ALONE in your own company was honestly my favourite thing.

Letting yourself create this own false reality in your head as you get so deep into a book, you lose focus of the world around you.

I liked to believe it was real, but I knew that I was just trying to distract myself from the reality of this cruel world.

so there was that.

I was at home, no one was here.

surprise surprise.

I was in my bedroom, only one dim light stopping my room from complete darkness. I had a hot cup of tea on my bedside table and a book in my hand.

My reading glasses were planted on my face, leaning against the bridge of my nose as I angle my face downwards towards my book.

My eyebrows furrow as I concentrate on a sentence, so deep into my book I don't realise the light tap on my bedroom window.

*tap* *tap*

My head whips up and my eyes scrutinize as I try to spot anything at my window but all I see is complete darkness from the night outside.

I shrug my shoulders and wave it off but then I hear the same repeated noise.

I sigh frustratedly and get up from my position on my bed. Storming towards my window and opening it, looking down at the ground below.

My eyes widen when I spot a shadowed figure at the bottom, standing awkwardly.

"Elijah." I breathe out. The cold air rushes into my bedroom, making me shiver slightly as it's no longer trapped outside.

"Hey." He says awkwardly and tense.

"What are you doing here? It's so late." I narrow my eyes at him, even though it was impossible to see him as there was no light guaranteeing he was there and not a figurative of my imagination.

"I don't actually know.." He admits, his voice deep and raspy. "I'm just going to go—"

I sigh and shake my head, "Stay." I cut him off. "I'll let you in through my front door."

It's silent for a few seconds, Elijah probably balancing out his options as I remember him always making sure he would pick the right choice.

"Okay." He finalizes, imagining him nodding his head.

"I'll be down in a minute, hold on." I shout down, leaving him no room to answer as I go back inside my room and shut the window.

what are you doing ruth? your suppose to hate him. so why are you letting him in your house? 

It was too cold to let him stand there.

I scold myself for being so caring sometimes.

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