**Talks about an problem magne**

ابدأ من البداية

"We want that carbonated juice you put on my gift. 2 grapes and 2 oranges"

As the waiter took their order, they sat down and started to eat. Well, I will check the things in the kitchen I guess.

"Where are you going? Sit down. Let's talk"

Or not.

"What you guys being doing in this break?"

"For me is the same as always. Cleaning my brothers mess, helping father with some documents and training"

"Helping the Prince and taking care of my garden"

"Training with the guards"

"Working as an intern at father's company"

"You guys, sure are busy"

"Not as much as you though. But you seem happier. You let your true smile show more often"

Do I? But I do have many things working for me now.

"I heard your Brother went to the border"

"Haaa... you guys know that he was head over heels about Miss Julia right? After I talked with him , he decided to distance himself and re-think about his future. That bastard didn't even said good bye"

"He was one of her victims too hum? Seriously after she appeared the things are harder to handle. Her pursuers are like maniacs"

As Andrew said that all of us looked at George.

"Why are you guys looking at me?"
"You are clearly one of them!"

"Am not! I just find her lovely"

"If you start to act like a fool like the others I will tell your father"

"You can't!"


"Ceci what are you laughing about?"

" Nothing you guys relationship is really good. But I believe that George won't cause much trouble"

Even in the game, although he was part of the Harem he was the most sensible one in it. He never hurt anybody, he didn't have a fiancée and his route didn't had a Villainess.

Scratching his head, George looked a bit embarrassed. Because he is tall and muscular his embarrassed look cause a moe kinda feeling.

-CG saved inside my brain in file 'Hunks'-

"Oh I have a doubt! Does Miss Julia perhaps has a lighter Queen training than mine? If it is, this is so unfair mon~"

"Haaa... I wish. No she didn't even begun the training. Instead if she's is not pestering mother, she is glued to brother. Mother is so annoyed with her that she prohibited Julia to enter her chambers"

"Auntie is annoyed? Miss Julia must have worked hard, because since I have known her Aunt never even frown"

"Well. First Julia tried to cook something, but she put a drupe, that mom is allergic. We had to rescue her really fast. After Mother prohibited her to go to the royal kitchen, she would go to Mom's chambers at any time. You know that the Queen has many responsibilities right? So sometimes she refused Julia. If Julia was refused shewould run to brother crying as if she was bullied by mother.

That created many arguments between the two. But seen how adamant her daughter to be was, mom decided to open a time of her day only to Julia. But according to Mother, Julia spouts very rude things and maintain a face of purity and innocence. This was the last drop of her patience, and now Julia is banned"

'I know exactly what the Queen is talking about. That girls spout a lot of nuisance with a straight face'

"This caused many cracks in Brother and Mother relationship. Actually, that girl is like a problem magnet. There is always trouble around her. We already discover so many people plotting against her or problems that she caused that sometimes I had the urge lock her somewhere"

But it can only be so though because she has the curse of the Female Lead, so obviously she will be surrounded by trouble. This is just how the law of the FL aura works. The world challenges his chosen children by throwing trouble right and left towards them. The number of challenges won=charm+luck (AKA protagonist aura)

"Will is right is so hard nowadays! Sometimes I even caught myself going towards your house to cry and ask you to come back"

"It was not my choice ne? And It's impossible to go back"

"Dreaming is a free hobby"

"Sure is hahaha"

After they left, the rest of the day was calm, and with Leo help we didn't encounter any big trouble and could safely close the first day of Pondus.

Absolutely fantastic villainess:The villainess aims for a peaceful lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن