Alpha Brothers Of Blueman High

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Leo led Rain to class before the bell rang for the start of the morning lesson. Rain was asked to introduce himself and instructed to sit at an empty seat at the back of the class. During the lesson, Rain tried to keep himself awake, as even though he is relearning all these topics, he did not want to doze off and make a bad impression on his first day.

After a long struggle to keep himself from closing his eyes, another bell rang for lunch. Rain could finally let out a yawn he was holding in and place his head on the table.

"So, how was class? D-do have any trouble catching up?" Leo came to his side and asked softly.

Rain slowly reopens his eyes and lets out another loud yawn before replying with a smile. "It was alright. Now it's lunch right, want to go eat together?"

Leo nodded and they both headed to the canteen. Rain eyes almost popped out of his sockets when he saw the price for a meal here.

What is this? A five-star restaurant? Rain thought in disbelief.

Rain then remembered the credit card the father gave him but was hesitant to use it, however, he couldn't resist his hunger. In the end, with a heavy heart, he swiped the card and took the fancy dish handed over to him.

I'm going to ask Aunt Ella to make me lunch to bring to school from tomorrow onwards. Rain decided as he sat down at a table.

Leo and Rain chatted while eating, getting to know each other. Rain was shocked when Leo told him he learned martial arts, in Rain's eyes Leo looked way too timid and soft to throw hands. Rain was enjoying his bonding session with Leo when screams of excitement and loud murmurs filled the canteen.

Rain glanced towards the commotion, and he suddenly wishes he had starved for the day and stayed in class. It was the male leads he saw. Like many others, Rain was awed by their appearance and powerful aura, he was envious of their strong physique.

Appearance-wise, they were 100% worthy of being the called the male leads, Rain silently approved in his head.

"The councils making a grand appearance as always," Leo muttered under his breath, for a split second Rain thought he heard a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"The councils?" Rain asked curiously, looking toward Leo's face for an explanation.

"Ya. T-they are basically the head of the school, likely the reason is that this school belongs to their parents or a close friend of their parents, that's why they walk on these grounds like they own them. Not even the teachers are willing to go against them, I t-think they are afraid to lose their high-paying jobs, and the principal position is just a public figure. The councils are the ones who run everything around here." Rain nodded, listening intently as he took in the information.

"Not only that, they are godly good looking and also a-alphas, so you can see why everyone here admires and is willing to follow them to the edge of the world, especially the omegas, thus the commotion every time they make an appearance."

Rain peeked over to the astonishing figures surrounded by the crowd once again. "Are there only three of them?"

"No there's more, but those three Alphas are the top figures of the council, they make all the final decisions."

"And the fact that they are also brothers. Just wow."

Leo examined Rain, surprised. "Ya. How did you know?"

Rain realized his mistake. "Haha. J-just a hunch?" He replied nervously, Leo seemed to have believed his little white lie as he nodded.

"If them being Alpha brothers while holding a p-powerful position together is not weird enough, you should know they are mated to one another and have another mate who also happens to be their brother but an omega. I guess l-love between siblings runs deep in their family." Leo said, mockingly and in disgust. Rain could only nod, not daring to say a word.

Talking about mates, Rain was relieved that he chose a seat all the way at the back of the stadium-sized canteen, so the male leads would most likely not be able to notice him. Fortunately, the crowd fondling over them made sure of it, cause if they did see him it would be a problem.

"Are you part of the council Leo?" Rain changes the topic, anything but about mates.

"Yes, I am one of their p-personal assistants." This made Rain's heart pace and panic.

Did I choose the wrong guy to be friends with? He thought.

"O-oh, r-really? That must be a very hard job." Leo nodded, just thinking of it made him sigh in exhaustion.

"Unfortunately, the other assistant is their mate so I'm stuck with all the w-work," Leo complained. Rain stared at his dreaded face and pitied him.

Oh, you poor boy.

"That's not the worst part, they are all in the same class as us."

"WHAT??" Rain whisper-shouted as he felt a chill run down his spine.

In the same class?? How can I be so unlucky? How am I going to avoid them now? Should I ask the father to transfer me to another?? Rain's head was in a mess and filled with questions.

"H-hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" Leo's worried voice, broke Rain away from his thoughts as he shook his head.

"N-nothing haha. Just surprised." Rain put on his best acting skills and tried to look as calm as possible but his heart was already going to burst out of his chest from panic and anxiety.

"How come I didn't see them in class this morning?"

"Oh. That's because they prefer to self-study in their council room and probably to spend time with their omega there. N-not only are they attractive to the eyes but also geniuses. Their father is the country's wealthiest man, they are born alphas, already found the love of their life, handsome, and smart. It's like God h-handed them an ultra golden spoon in life."

No. It's because they are the male leads and have all the cheats to life. Rain almost wanted to say.

"Anyways, it's best that you don't tangle with them, mostly the reason being is that you are beta. I've known them since middle school, and from their likes to dislikes, what the brothers are most sensitive to...are b-betas. I don't know why but just be careful, okay?" Leo warmly advised.

Rain's throat run dry as he nodded obediently. If only Leo knew he was the reason for their dislike towards betas.

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