CHAPTER 1: Ground Zero

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The early waking city was bursting with noise as the citizens took their leisurely walk to their workplaces, cars rumbling onto the streets of New York. You could over hear the chatter of businessmen discussing their plans for the day by the bus stop and occasionally hear gossip, whether it was about their ex-lover or their boss, gossip can be a source of important information. I should know, I've learnt many things by "accidentally" over-hearing people's conversations - such as, some believe the mayor to be corrupt, the oil industries are underpaying their employees, and sometimes it can lead me to a clue for a investigation.

The cool air seeps through my car window as I drive by. I enjoy mornings like this, the cold air relaxes me. I reach my hand out the window and play with the chilling wind, and as we pass by others, I wave to the small children on street corners trying to sell the next big thing in the newspapers.

"Extra, extra, read all about it! Oscar Harris found dead on wall street!" screams the paper boy trying to lure people over to him. I ask my chauffeur to stop near the corner, I wave the boy over, he excitingly runs over and opens his hand to me, I pour 65 cents into his hand and a little extra for himself, I can bet he gets paid next to nothing. He hands me the paper delighted and clenches onto the money I gave him as he runs back to his post.

The car begins to glide along the road again as I rest my sleepy head onto my seat, I rub my eyes trying to defeat my tiredness, doesn't help much so I take a sip from my early brew coffee, the taste of coffee repels me, but all I need is the caffeine to keep me awake. I take a quick gander at the newspaper, it ruffles in my hands.




Oscar Harris the infamous actor has passed away this week on the 23rd of June. Many are sad to hear about this grand man's death. He was a loving father to his son Ben Harris and a wondrous husband to his wife Anna Harris, he will be greatly missed by the both of them and his plentiful of fans.

He has been retired from his spectacular career for over a decade, but is still accumulating many adorers, he has moved on to investing into the lucrative oil industries. Now a quarter of his wealth will go into a charity of his family's choosing, the rest of his money shall go to his family themselves.

He was found shot on Wall Street and the NYPD hasn't decided to disclose reporters or citizens on information regarding the case yet. The lead detectives on the case is Mr. Henry Kelco and his partner Mr. Alan Wright. We wish the two of them luck with solving the case swiftly.


I search the page for any other intriguing news. Other than how to bake an apple pie in under 5 minutes, there's nothing of interest. I crumple the paper under my grasp and place it on the seat next to me, between my partner and I. I look over to him, he's staring out the window dumbfounded with a smile ear to ear. He doesn't seem focused on the case instead his gaze of glee is attentive to the tickets he's holding on to. Two tickets to the Starry Nox theatre, him and his date are going out tonight and sadly for me this hopeless romantic won't stop day dreaming about it.

I don't wish to pop this buffoon's bubble, just yet that is. I'll let him dream and as soon as we arrive, I'll bring him back to reality. This isn't the first time nor do I believe this will be last he's done this, he's dated multiple women, it's not like he's popular among them, it's just that he's a pushover that gets dumped left and right. Honestly I feel bad for him sometimes, granted he never chooses good options, it's mainly girls who wanna have fun then leave... well, "fun" as in using his money.

Whenever he gets sad after he gets dumped, I lend him my shoulder to cry on. Even if he's a lost cause, he's still my friend and partner, might as well do that for him. The sun bakes my face as we turn to Wall Street. I peer out the window to see the area is covered head to toe in police tape. There are police vehicles parked outside the crime scene and officers sweep the area of pedestrians and any unwanted attention from the news. The car stops near the crime scene on the road.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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