[Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder]

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"My father taught me that you can you read a hundred books on wisdom and write a hundred books on wisdom, but unless you apply what you learned then its only words on a page. Life is not lived with intentions, but action."
-Shannon L. Alder

>>Chase Mavericks' Point of View<<

"It's wrong. All of it." I sighed sharply taking the canvas off the easel.

"Chase, come on. Take a break." My mom urged.

I stressfully ran my fingers through my black curls and nodded.

It was about 5PM so that gave me some time to eat before class.

I quickly ambled down the stairs counting every step of the way.

19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24...

"Serve yourself," My dad said setting a plate on the counter in front of me.

It was the same orange plate I always used. And I served myself with not a single piece of food touching.

I sat at the table and quickly ate then dashed back up the stairs to my room.

I rummaged through my color-coded closet and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a flannel.

I got dressed in the mirror and flattened out my shirt multiple times before pulling my hair into a somewhat ponytail.

I threw my brown messenger bag over my shoulder then made my way back downstairs to say goodbye to my parents.

I hopped on my bike and rode to school.

Mom thought it'd be best if I lived off campus because of how much I got bullied in high school.

I only had two night classes; Quantum Physics and an art class that I took to help with the anxiety.

Physics started at seven but I always showed up ten minutes early to get a good seat.

But today, when I walked into class, my usual lecturer, Prof. Kannon, was not there instead was a guy that looked not much older than me.

"Aren't you a little young to be in a college class?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Aren't you a little young to be a college lecturer?" I snarked back.

"Touché," he chuckled.

"Doctor Spencer Reid." He put out his hand to shake.

"Chase Mavericks." I smiled shaking his hand.

"So how old are you anyway?" He asked.

"Fourteen, you?" I replied sitting down.

"Nineteen." He chuckled sheepishly.

>>Spencer Reid's Point of View<<

I'd never met anyone in my entire life that had the same or even near intelligence level as me. And here, in a Harvard quantum physics class, I met a girl who's only fourteen years old and is crazy smart.

I began my lecture and watched he as she scribbled down all of her notes and listened intently.

The class was dismissed and she flashed me one last smile that I returned with a wave.

After I gathered all of my things I decided to take a stroll around the campus.

I was passing by the arts buildings whe she caught my eye.

I watched her for a moment. She was so passionate about what she was doing.

I quietly entered the room and sat in the very back.

Her facial expressions seemed to show on the canvas in reds, grays and blacks.

The face she painted was in pain and I'm not sure if she was aware that tears were running down her face as well.

I got lost deep in thought. When I looked back up she wasn't in her seat.

"So are you stalking me?" I jumped at the voice in my ear but was almost immediately relived when I saw that signature grin of hers.

"Not stalking, you intrigued me." I explained.

"Like that's any less creepy." She giggled.

"Okay. I swear, I'm not a creep." I smiled.

"Sure." She rolled her eyes.

"I have a suggestion." She grinned.

"Which would be?"

"Since you seem to be so interested in me, we could go get coffee so you don't have to stalk me."

"Sounds nice." I smirked.

She motioned towards the door with her head and I reluctantly followed.

I had no idea as to why I was following a fourteen year old, but I was, and I had not a single negative feeling towards the situation.

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