Chapter One

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"When you left I lost a part of me... its still so hard to believe, come back baby please 'cause we belong together!" I hit in my car whilst turning a corner. "You in the way baby what you screwing me for fool? Excuse you" I said whilst expressing attitude on my face, how she mad she in the middle of the road? "Who else am I gon' lean on when times get rough? Who gon' talk to me till-" I continued to mumble under my breath whilst the song played loudly. I werent too sure where I was cause I dont know this city at all, but my phone was telling me I was 2 minutes away from my new home. Before I knew it I was pulling up in my drive way, my mood automatically dropped from a hundred to zero as I headed towards my front door. I could hear my Mama yelling over music as I walked inside, I just ran to the store for her, I placed the bag on the side and headed upstairs to my room.

I try to avoid her at all cost. Im the only child, and it seem like her biggest regret.

Im 18, Im originally from North Carolina but we just moved here, to Atlanta a few months ago to get away from my mama toxic ex. That woman done bought so much problems up in our my life, this was supposed to be our 'fresh start'. Ion believe that at all by the way, as long as she drinking im forever gonna be sad in her presence. All she done to me caused our spark to completely die and alcohol dont help. And thats real sad cause at one point she was my bestest friend but you learn to love people who hurt you from a distance and overall just be strong, I dont think shes a bad person I just think she love alcohol, if that makes sense? From the age of 15 when I lost my paps I been raising myself I'v had bad days where I dont wanna live, but sometimes, eventhough its rare, I be proud of myself knowing I made it through them days, independantly, I literally shaped me into who I am today alone...

I was knocked out my thoughts by the entrance of my mama barging through my bedroom door. "You forgot my rum." She rudely said. Yeah I did, because why would I use my money to encourage my mama to drink her organs away not only that but then take her problems out on me? I didnt forget I just didnt get it.

"My bad" I mumbled.

"Your bad? Get your ass up and get it!" She yelled

"I just took off my things Mama im not g-"

"You gon' do what I tell you to do." She cut me off.

I let out a loud sigh whilst I tied my hair back, tonight im gonna stand my ground. Its 11 at night I have school tomorrow, but more importantly im not gonna be the reason she ruin herself even more.

"Are you ignoring me bitch?" She asked whilst bringing herself further into my room.

"Mama are you drunk?" I asked, taking a step back.

"Whats that got to do with you lil' girl, I told your lil ass to get me my shit and you only got half of it-"

"I used my own money for y-"

"- i dont give a damn! I raised you!"


"I have school tomorrow, I dont wanna go back ou-"

"- fuck you!" She yelled in my face. "You know what lil' girl you gonna start paying me to live under my roof or you can get the hell out!"

"Iv been looking for jobs."

"Make damn sure." She growled gripping my cheeks with her hand. "You is an ungrateful little bitch."

Maybe if I just went and got her drink, this could of been avoided. I thought to myself.

"You can ignore me all you like, i'll make your life a living hell as long as you under me." She continued. "You just like your Daddy, a selfish pie-"

"Marie you joining me?" A male called to my mama from downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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