The Target Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

            Its dark. I have no idea where the heck I am. Im lying on something hard. I soon realize that it is on a floor somewhere. Trying to move, I realize that I am bound hand and foot and I soon realize that I am bruised all over. I sit still for about 30  minutes, trying to recall the last thing that happened. But nothing. I don’t remember a single thing. Again, I struggle with the ropes (I guess hoping that they had magically loosened, but unfortunately no). Next thing I know, two strong and cold hands come out of the darkness and grab my shoulders, pulling me into a standing position. I hear a menancing laugh as I struggle in the grip of the mystery person.

            I hear footsteps as the man walks back and picked up something. It rattled just like a case of bullets. He loads his clip, taking his time in the process. I am thinking to myself

            “My life is over, I am going to die.”

            I start to plead with this person over and over, to let me go. But his response is a cold and evil laugh. I hear the double click as he loaded what I assumed was a gun.

I feel a cold breeze as he puts what I figured out was a gun to my head. 

            He just laughs and slowly pulls the trigger. Fire exploded from the barrel and at the same time I felt the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. Then it all went black. 

The TargetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz