Chapter 2: Sisters

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Serena stared outside her window with a mug of coffee in hand. The night was quiet and the neighborhood was peaceful as usual, considering she was living in a luxurious apartment. Her eyes dropped in front of her, sitting against the window was the framed drawing she always kept.

She caressed the glass with her thumb finger.

"All alone again," she whispered

A sigh escaped her mouth, she settled the mug on the table next to her then walked into her bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed, scrolling through her cellphone. She lifts her gaze and glanced at one corner of the room where three boxes are piled up, still wrapped with tape.

She closed her eyes, letting out another sigh.

Her life was a mystery. Not just to others but to herself as well. She never knew herself. She can't remember what she used to look like when she was younger before all the transformations and serums injected into her.

She doesn't remember much other than all the suffering and horrible memories.

Serena looked down to her feet when she felt a heavy weight fall on them. Flopping down to her slippers was her Golden Retriever, Belle, curled like a donut and already sleeping peacefully.

She smiled at the sight, at least whenever she feels lonely, there was a big, fluffy dog that will always flop down to her feet for comfort.

"Tired again?"


This dog never fails to amaze her. She never liked animals, no, but rescuing this one was certainly not a mistake. It was like she can understand everything Serena does and say. It's also like as if they were meant to be together because of how much they look alike.

Yellow fur, ash blonde hair. Hazel eyes and dark gold ones. Also, they both like to judge people.

"Let's go to bed, come on." Serena got up, carefully removing her feet under Belle then walked into the kitchen, putting the picture frame back to where it belonged before walking to her bedroom

She was about to close the door when she realized Belle didn't follow and the dog was still lying lazily on the floor "Belle, bed. Now." she called but nothing

Serena groaned, walking back to the living room, picking up Belle before entering her bedroom. She gently put Belle down on the right side of the bed, patting her head "You're lucky I love you."

Belle opened her eyes, her head perking up upon hearing Serena speak. Her tail started wagging happily as she barked twice.

Serena smiled "Lazy giant."

She reached for the lamp on the nightstand next to her bed, turning it off. She let her head fall onto the pillow, allowing sleep to consume her whole.

She slowly opened her eyes, waking up to the sound of muffled laughs. Her head was spinning, her world was splitting into three. She tossed around her bed, patting the other side to find it empty.

Serena frowned, glancing at the clock. It was ten in the evening. She slipped out of bed, yawning, before placing a hand on her stomach as she walked out of her bedroom.

Seated at the dining table, she found her two sisters, Natasha and Yelena laughing along with two other men, one was blonde and the other had black hair. Also seating with them, holding her own bottle of beer was a beautiful, pale woman.

Serena watched them quietly, feeling satisfaction and content washing all over her. The next thing she knew, they were calling her over, offering more beer and she found herself smiling.

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