Chapter 1: Gold Dress

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Her footsteps echoed through the hall, the lights on the ceiling flickered as she walked past them. It was dark and quiet, the walls were made of metal and she could smell the awful stench of the place.

She made a turn in the next hallway, ahead were two doors heavily guarded by two agents. She stopped in her tracks, pulled out her ID then showed it to them. When they successfully scanned her code, she was welcomed inside the interrogation room.

"You're late." an agent inside said

"You're just early," she replied dryly, fixing her suit before sitting on the empty chair across the table.

She put her hands on the table then glanced at the man sitting in front of her, his hands cuffed to the table with a gun pointed at his head by the other agent standing behind him.

"General Dreykov." she addressed

"Natasha Romanoff." the man smiled at her, his eyes filled with lust and greed.

Natasha Romanoff shifted uncomfortably in her chair, she cleared her throat then opened the folder lying on the table.

"A high ranking office in the Soviet Armed Forces and the overseer for the Red Room, a top-secret training program where young girls are trained to be the world's deadliest assassins." she read the file then closed the folder, she leaned against the table

"What are you planning?" she asks

Dreykov only chuckles at the question "You shouldn't worry about me, Natasha."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, swallowing the lump in her throat. She glanced around the room, looking for any suspicious activities before looking back at the man sitting in front of her.

"What do you mean?"

Dreykov motioned his hand as if he was touching the air "Out there, walking freely is another Black Widow assassin." he closed his palm "One of my best creations, the one who stood above you all even though you outshined her every time."

Natasha's eyes widened, she shifted again in her seat before clearing her throat.

"This assassin of yours is dead. I've eliminated her along with Clint Barton five years ago."

Dreykov laughed, he leaned toward the redhead "Is she really dead? Did you find her body?" he asked

"There was no body to check, the whole building exploded. There was no-" Natasha felt her breath shorten, she slowly glanced at him with eyes filled with fear and guilt but he, the man in front of her had a smile of a sinister.

"She's out there alive, Natasha and she will get you. She will always come back to get you. She won't find peace until you're gone, Natasha Romanoff."

Natasha pushed herself away from the table, she made her way towards the door and grabbed the doorknob but before she could twist it, Dreykov once again spoke:

"She will forever haunt you. In your dreams and reality. Her name is Serena Sandiego."

She stood alone in the dark room.

A tall, skinny woman with blonde hair, wearing a ripped gold dress stood in the middle of the room, and in front of her was a begging man.

She impatiently tilts her head, her dark golden eyes staring down at the hopeless man, kneeling on both of his knees. His hands were clasped together as he begged for his life to be spared, being the only one left for all of his men were killed by the woman standing in front of him, her heel painfully piercing against his right thigh.

He grabbed a ripped part of her dress causing her to raise her foot and send him flying across the room, a loud slamming echoed through the empty hall. She spun the silver, blood stained blades in her hands as she walked towards the man.

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