Little Tubbo CG Techno

487 13 2

Warnings: old scars, references to death

Tubbo needed to slip. He hadn't slipped since before the festival since Techno was his caregiver.

Tubbo knocked on Techno's door and stood there.

Techno opened the door "Hallo."

"Hi Technoblade! I was uhm, I was wondering if I could go into littlespace since I haven't been able to since.." his voice trailed off.

Techno nodded in understanding "Yeah, I'm free, come on in."

Tubbo stepped inside, careful not to touch anything as he took his shoes off and left them by the door.

Techno gave him the best smile he could and stared putting anything sharp away "Don't stress out too much. You ain't gonna hurt nothing."

Tubbo stood close to Techno "Uhm, can Tommy and Ranboo not know? I don't want them to see me when I'm little."

"Yeah, of course. I still have your stuff by the way. It's in that chest." Techno told him, pointing to an oak chest.

Tubbo's face lit up and he dug through it until he found that familiar blue and purple bag.

Techno finished putting things away "So, how is my little angel doing today?"

"I'm really really sad." Tubbo answered, embarrassed as he had forgotten that Techno used to sometimes called him angel.

Techno sat down and guided Tubbo to sit in his lap, which he did happily, leaning his face on Techno's shoulder.

Techno crossed his legs and held Tubbo's face in his hands, tracing his scars "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." Tubbo shook his head harshly and stuffed his face into Techno's neck.

Techno put a gentle hand on the back of his head "It's okay. You don't have to."

Tubbo grabbed onto Techno's blouse and whispered "I want papa." He said, as if saying that would get him hit.

"I know angel, I know. Papa isn't here right now though, remember? Papa had to go away." Techno told him.

Tubbo nodded "I miss Papa. I love you but I want Papa too."

"It must be really upsetting to go through that. You're really strong, y'know." Techno said.

Tubbo looked up and asked "Toms come home? Toms make me feel better."

"I'm sorry baby but Toms can't come home right now." Techno said.

Tubbo sighed loudly and squeezed Techno "Then I want you to sing."

Techno laughed "You sure? I'm not a very good singer." He warned.

Tubbo smiled "Sing! Sycamore tree song!"

"Okay, okay." Techno complied and cleared his throat "Stars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper 'i love you',"

Tubbo excitedly joined in "Birds singing in the sycamore treeeee!"

"Dream a little dream of me." Techno continued singing to Tubbo until the song was sung and Tubbo was happy.

Tubbo curled up close to Techno "I love you bubba."

Techno smiled and kissed his forehead "I love you too kiddo." He replied.

Tubbo asked "I'm happy you don't hate me anymore."

"I never hated you angel, I could never hate you. My love for you is infinite." Techno assured him.

Tubbo grinned back "Me too! I love you sooo much!" He snuggled him and looked up at Techno.

Techno pressed his forehead on Tubbo's and sighed.

Tubbo closed his eyes and asked "How come Toms can't see me?"

"Big you told me not to let him or Boo see you." Techno explained.

Tubbo pouted and gripped onto him.

Techno rubbed his back "I know. Do you want your blanket?"

"Yes." Tubbo said.

Techno shuffled through things in his bag until he found the bright yellow blanket and handed it to Tubbo.

Tubbo took it and pulled it around himself tight.

Techno pat Tubbo's back.

Tubbo told him "I missed you. I missed you a lot and I'm scared I won't see you again."

"I'll make sure we don't get separated again angel." Techno assured him "I missed you too."

Tubbo closed his eyes and rested.

Techno took the opportunity to rest too.

It was a calm, quiet time without interruption. The only sounds came from Techno humming songs to Tubbo and the animals surrounding the house.

Eventually Tubbo drifted into sleep and Techno moved him to his bed.

It was nice, taking care of someone again.

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