Little Eryn CG Puffy (request)

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This was requested by my little sister Kristen.

Warnings: burns, crying

Eryn had been regressed for an hour, though they hadn't done much but colouring.

Puffy sat there with him and doodled.

Eryn would occasionally go on a tangent about something that crossed their mile-per-minute mind and Puffy listened.

Eryn took breaths between every couple of words and stuttered quite a bit.

Puffy would listen to all of it, she loved hearing him so passionate about anything he thought about.

The heavy footsteps of Tommy coming in scared Eryn. They gripped Puffy's shoulders, hiding behind her.

Tommy swung the door open "Eryn! I- oh," Tommy paused and crouched down, softening his voice "Hi Eryn."

"Bubba! Bubba here!" Eryn ran and hugged him, almost accidentally knocking him over.

Tommy hugged him back "Are you and Puffy colouring?" He asked.

Eryn nodded "Mhm!"

Tommy pinched their cheeks "Then I won't keep you hostage for too long."

Eryn squeezed Tommy tight "Bubba! Can you colour too!?" He asked, picking up a red crayon.

Tommy shook his head and pulled out a folded note, handing it to Puffy "I have to go over to Wil's. Can you give this to them when he's big?"

"Yeah." Puffy answered.

Eryn grabbed Tommy's legs "Don't go!"

"I have to, I'm sorry. I can colour with you when I get back, okay?" Tommy comprised.

Eryn nodded and disappointedly let go "Buh-bye."

"I'll bring some pastries from Niki's bakery." Tommy offered.

Eryn's face lit up "Okay!"

After Tommy left, Eryn started talking about how Niki always gave them cupcakes and how she would draw on them with icing.

Puffy nodded along, holding back laughter for how he said cupcake wrong.

Eryn eventually wore himself out, climbing into Puffy's lap and curling up "Paci!" They demanded.

Puffy dug through her bag until she found Eryn's pacifier.

Eryn took it and sat there happily for a bit, just sucking on his red pacifier.

Puffy smiled and kissed his forehead "Do you want to help with dinner darling?" She asked.

"YES!" He shot up and ran into the kitchen, washing their hands.

Puffy hummed as she washed her own hands and took out the pasta and sauce as well as some seasonings.

Eryn started snapping the pasta while Puffy started the stove.

Eryn climbed onto a step stool and stared at the boiling water as he continued breaking the pasta.

Puffy turned to grab the pasta spoon.

Eryn yelped before starting to cry and scream, shaking their hand.

Puffy quickly took him in her arms and turned the stove off "Shh- Shh- it's alright. It's just a burn, it'll be okay." She assured him as she started running cold water over his finger.

Eryn scrunched his eyes shut as they explained what happened through tears "I was breaking the pasghetti and I touched the pot." He sniffled.

"That must've really hurt. I'm sorry that happened." Puffy said.

Eryn told her "It feels less bad now."

"It will be better soon." Puffy said.

Eryn took his hand out of the water "Can I go get a bandaid?"

"Of course darling." She said, knowing the bandaid was more placebo effect than anything but if it validated their pain and made him feel better, it was working.

Eryn got the first aid kit and picked out a pink bandaid with yellow zigzags and purple hearts, wrapping it around his finger.

Puffy praised "You did it all by yourself! I'm so proud of you!"

Eryn giggled and put the kit away.

"Do you want to watch a movie while I finish dinner?" Puffy asked, already knowing which one they'd want to watch.

Eryn smiled wide "Coraline! Coraline!" He shouted.

Puffy smiled back at him and put in the DVD before continuing making food.

Eryn knew the whole movie by heart and he adored it.

Puffy joined them when she was done, she set a hot bowl of spaghetti in front of him on the coffee table, on a small matt "Be careful darling."

Eryn nodded, not breaking their gaze from the screen for even a moment.

Puffy grinned "You feeling better?"

"Mhm." He answered.

Puffy hummed and said "Well, make sure you eat before it gets cold."

"Okay." They replied mindlessly.

Puffy sighed in contentment. Eryn was a sweet kid and she loved looking after him.

They were adorable.

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