Chapter 34-I love you

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"I was thinking Vidcon or at the youtube space.Im going to have it filmed either way."I say.

Connor nods,"Whelp,I am going to sleep.Night Tyler."

"Night Connor."I say and snuggle into the bed and wrap Troyes small form in my arms before falling asleep.


Mamrie's POV


After walking into our room,Grace jumps onto the bed,only to fall off of it.Laughing,Hannah and I help her up because of her backpack.

"Shut-up."Grace says pushing on Hannah's shoulder.

"Cant do that Smells."I say teasingly.Grace rolls her eyes before getting out her sweatpants and shower supplies.Hannah on the other hand,grabs Grace's vlog camera when Grace leaves the room.

"Hey guys Hannah here.Grace is in the shower so I thought I would just say I love you Gracie.Oh and look Mamrie."Hannah points to me and I smile ploping on the bed.Hannah blows a kiss and turns off the device.

"You know she is problem going to keep that on the video."I say grabbing my phone charger.

Hannah shrugs and turns on the TV and looks through the channels."I know.I want her to."she smiles.

After a few moments of me looking through my computer and Hannah channel surfing,my phone goes off with a call.Chester.

"Hey."I say into the phone.

"Hey,I was wandering if you could talk for a minute?"He asks.

"You aren't breaking up with me are you?"I ask panicked.

"No no no.I just wanted to ask you your favorite flowers?And I wanted to talk to a beautiful woman before I go to sleep."He says.

Blushing I say,"Awww,Ches.And I love Orchids."

"Okay.So,how was your flight?"He asks.

"It was fine besides the kid behind me whining because he cant find a signal.But we had WiFi."I giggle,"What about you?What did you do?"

"Well,I wrote a song,and I edited a cover of Stupid Boy(Which he needs to do.If you don't know it it's by Keith Urban and it is one of my few favorites of Country music.)."He says.

"I can't wait to hear it."I say smiling big and wide.

"It will be out tomorrow."He tells me before yawning.

"Go to bed."I whisper.

"But I don't want to.I want to talk to you."He says from the other side.

"But you are tired and so am I.I need to go to take a shower."I say as Grace walks out of the bathroom in a tee-shirt and shorts.

Chester sighs and gives it,"Fine.Call me when you wake up.Or text me please."

"Okay,I will."I say.

"And,Mamrie?"He says.

"Yes?"I smile.

"I love you."He says and I can hear the smile on his face.

Blushing I quietly reply,"I love you too."


"Night."I say and hang up.

Looking up I see Grace smiling and Hannah trying not to giggle.

Rolling my eyes I get up and get things for my shower before Grace speaks up,"Did he just say 'I love you.'?"

Smiling I look to her and nod my head.While I blush,Grace teases me and Hannah giggles.

Shaking my head I leave to room to take a shower.

After my shower,feeling refreshed,I walk into the room to see Grace on her laptop and Hannah's head on her shoulder.Smiling I whisper,"Grace and Hannah,sittin in a tree.K-I-S-S-I-N-G."I tease just as Grace had to me before.

Grace rolls her eyes and laughs a little.Before she puts her laptop away,Grace moves Hannah,who just stirs slightly.Grace jumps next to the smaller girl and snuggles her.Smiling I look at my phone and see a text.


Good night sweets.Love you <3

Smiling I reply and turn off the lights.Slipping under the covers I am ebraced in warmth,though I still feel cold.


AWWWW!I feel like I needed to work on Troyler and Mester.Yeah.

Sorry for not posting but we have our second round of state testing.UGH.And I have some personal drama,school drama,and family drama.All the Drama.May as well turn my life into a soap opera.SMH

Anyway,I hope you all have a fabulous day.

Qotd:Have you ever been noticed by a youtuber?Who?

Aotd:Yes,Ryan Minaj,Ollie Hart(Not a youtuber but she is Hannah's dog so it counts.),Jenna Marbles,John Green(!),Matthew Lush,Ashley Mardell,and im pretty sure thats it.

Stay Awesome


Shipping(Hartbig fanfiction ft.Troyler,Mamrie,and Chester)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz