you, me and the silence

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the moonlight gazes down upon your skin,
displaying your freckles like an art exhibition.
you are art.
the way your imperfections shape
themselves as tiny beautiful perfections,
it tells you are art.

your walnut wood eyes look at me
with something close to hope.
i hope what you hope is something
close to love.
i see the cool air escaping your mouth,
finding the closure on my lips.
soon it'll find its way home in my lungs.
(i hope it stays there forever.)

the silence that stays
between us remains unbroken,
undressing all the secrets we don't share.
it keeps me in dilemma - the thought of you knowing
everything about me.
the longer i sit with you,
the longer we share this silence,
And yes, we get to know each other even more.
But I hope your knowledge of me birth true love
~ t

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