22. Cannibal

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Spencer arrived at work, bag over shoulder as usual. He walked into the briefing room, the rest of his team already in there, some getting coffee.

Spencer didn't acknowledge anyone, let alone say good morning back.

The whole team looked at him in confusion. Spencer went to pour himself a cup of coffee but missed the cup causing it to spill on the table.

"Spence are you alright?" JJ went over to help him clean up.

Spencer rubbed his eyes. "I'm fine."

Derek came over and rubbed circles in his back. "Do you need to talk?"

"Later." Spencer whispered in Derek's ear.

Derek nodded and sat back down. After it was cleaned up, everyone sat back down.

"Anywho, here comes the most graphic part of our job we all hate seeing." Garcia projected pictures on the board of two victims. "Rudy Berenzinski  and Daniel Hough were both found disposed in the woods. They both have bite marks around their bodies and their stomachs were cut open with some of their um...their organs missing."

Everyone gave a gross look, Garcia looking away.

"It appears that we're looking for a cannibal." Hotch said. "Okay Emily and Reid, you two will go to the ME, JJ and Rossi will go to the crime scene, and Morgan and I will talk to the parents."

Everyone nodded and filled out the room.


At the ME, Emily and Spencer examined both of the bodies.

Spencer leaned in real close to get a good look at the bite. Then Emily and him looked at the missing organs in their stomachs, both clearly grossed out.

"It appears that the missing organ in both of these victims is the liver." Spencer studied. "Our unsub not only bites the customs for blood but also eats the liver of the victims."

The Medical Examiner raised her eyebrows.

"Hey Reid, look at this." Emily pointed at the bruises and marks on both of the victim's wrists.

Spencer squinted. "They were restrained."

Emily nodded and they reported back to the briefing room.

Emily shared out to the team. "Based on the bodies, it appears that our unsub is not only biting his victims in the neck and other areas, but also taking out the victim's liver meaning he might be eating it."

"We also could see the obvious marking on the victim's wrists, showing that they were both restrained. So this means either our unsub has trouble overpowering his or her victims or our unsub gets sexual release by seeing their victim's restrained." Spencer explained.

"Good work you two." Hotch said. "We will track our unsub's next move."

Spencer made eye contact with Derek and motioned him out the door. Derek nodded and they both left the room. Derek followed Spencer into a room and shut the door behind them.

"What's going on?" Derek asked.

"Do you ever have nightmares?"

"Uh yes." The question confused Derek. "Why, did you have one?"

"Yeah but it wasn't just any nightmare. This nightmare actually happened." Spencer explained.

"Wait are you saying that you dreamed about something that happened in real life to you?" Derek was trying to comprehend.

Spencer nodded.

"How is that even possible?" Derek was full of questions. "What memory was it?"

"It was the night Enzo broke my heart. The worst night of my life."

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