14. New Case

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Spencer woke up from his alarm as usual. He pressed snooze then tossed himself to his other side in bed, cuddling in the covers.

He thought about what Derek had said last night. Even though he was really drunk, he remembers that part. When Derek said that he's always felt that way about Spencer. And he asked him to a date. Spencer couldn't be more excited about this. At this point in time, he wasn't too worried about Enzo finding out, he was just really happy.

Spencer turned off his alarm and got up after it went off again. The excruciating headache came to him the second he stood up. After throwing on a robe he grit his teeth in pain while holding his head.

Enzo opened his eyes to the sight. "Looks like someone's hung over."

Spencer nodded, continuing to hold his head.

"Sucks, doesn't it. Now you've learned your lesson for coming home too late." Enzo said.

Spencer just couldn't even function correctly he was in so much pain. He rubbed his eyes and tried walking forward but everything was dizzy.

"God how much did you drink?" Enzo got up to help him walk in a straight line.

"I've got it, thanks." Spencer pushed him away.

Enzo looked confused. "I'm just trying to help."

"I don't need it." Spencer snapped.

"Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" Enzo spoke greatly of himself again.

Spencer wanted to get back at him again but he knew their would be consequences. "My bad." Spencer simply said then continued walking out of the room.

Enzo followed him downstairs and made him coffee. Spencer sipped it in silence, slightly shivering in his robe.

"Why are you so quiet this morning?" Enzo asked.

"Probably because of the hangover." Spencer lied. It was really because he couldn't stop thinking about Derek.

Enzo squinted then got over it. "Change into your normal clothes, no way you're going there in a robe."

"I know." Spencer said and Enzo went to help him change.

After going back up to the room Enzo took off his robe and took in a nice glance of his whole body only in boxers.

"Do you really have to look at me like that every time I'm nearly naked or naked?" Spencer asked.

"I can't help it." Enzo said taking in another look. "If you didn't have to go to work I would fuck you over this bed right now."

Spencer gulped.

"But it's better at night anyways." Enzo said then helped Spencer change into his outfit.

Spencer swung his bag over his shoulder and added sunglasses to the look because the light was too much for him right now.

"Bye." They both said to each other as Spencer left the house.

The second Spencer walked into the briefing room, Derek's eyes were already on him.

The look intimidated him, but he liked it. He sat in the empty seat next to Derek. As Spencer sat down he noticed Derek's eyes wandering down his body then flicking up to his lips then back up to his eyes. Spencer gulped then focused back on Garcia presenting the new case.

"Well the last case was a success thanks to wonder boy over there." Garcia cheered and everyone clapped; Derek patted him on the back smiling.

"Good job pretty boy." Derek smiled.

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