Severus comes for dinner

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It's been 3 months since the twins graduation and also finding out that Bella and Severus are together, Lucius has calmed down towards it now so he decides to have a family dinner.

3 days before the dinner River is telling the elf's what to make, she walks into the living room and sees Lucius on the couch with a whiskey in hand. She smiles and leans against the wall, he looks up and sees her and smirks. River walks towards him and straddles his lap, she says ( I'm nervous about this dinner, will you and Draco be calm), he holds her and says ( we will be fine, we are used to it now). They just lean in to kiss when they hear the front door open and Bella saying ( I'm home), Lucius sighs as River stands up and greets her daughter. They walk back into the living room and Bella sits down and smirks before saying ( did I stop anything), Lucius was about to say something rude but River says ( Bella your early, the dinner isn't for 3 days), Bella smiles and says ( i just came to check father has calmed down, Draco has calmed a lot).

The day of the dinner has arrived and the house elfs are decorating the table with candles and expensive table wear, meanwhile River is trying to find something to wear for tonight. She pulls out a green dress and says to Lucius ( does this look ok, i don't want to wear a short dress), he looks and says ( it looks fine my darling). He smiles at her while she looks through their closet, he hears her say ( my dresses look sluty), he walks into the closet and says ( they don't, this is just a different occasion). He walks to her dresses and pulls out a black one, he says ( wear this one my love).

After getting ready they go downstairs and wait for their guests, Vlad and Draco are the first ones to come. River warns them to behave or she will embarrass them, then Bella and Severus enter the manor. River gives warning looks to her men, then goes to greet Bella and Severus. Lucius greets Severus with a glass of fire whiskey, and they talk. Bella and Vlad talk as Draco helps his mother with the drinks. They all sit and talk until twinkle comes in and says ( dinner is served).

They sit at the table as the starters come out, Draco talks to Severus and Bella talks to Lucius. Vlad says to his mother ( they seem calm), she nods and says ( I'm glad, as Bella is happy. It's a shame Mena is working tonight). The meal goes very well and they all praise Twinkle, they return to the living room when Draco says ( when is the wedding), River looks at Draco with daggers. Lucius walks over to River and calms her down, Severus says politely ( we are not ready for marriage, we want to wait). River smiles at Severus, Bella throws a hex at her brother.

It's time for everyone to go back home, Bella and Severus are the first to leave, River hits Draco over the head and says ( you can be an idiot sometimes). Vlad and Draco leave as River lays down on the couch, Lucius smiles at her and says ( and you thought i would say something), she looks at him and says ( Draco does take after you my love). He picks her up and says ( time for bed my darling), she nods and falls asleep in his arms.

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