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The day of the festival arrives and I put on the yukata and start to head twords the place .Booths with games , food , and prizes are set up already. I look around and then I see him . He was in a black and blue yukata with a white belt. It was a little loose but it made him look cuter. Joey , Tristan, Ryou , duke , bukura ,and the thing we're there too. But they had on normal clothes except for Anzu in a tight , short yukata with pink and blue flowers on the front. We were all playing games when we got lost from the others and I was alone with Yugi my heart raced and a million thoughts went through my head . '' Maybe I could convince him to leave the others behind and come to my house to my room '' I thought lustfully. Sure , scold me for having lustful thoughts about such an innocent being but he was so beautiful . His lithe, slender , beautiful body and innocent eyes , delicious, milky white skin and amazing , plump ass .How could I resist? '' Oh no looks like we got lost some how. '' He said.'' Yeah oh no'' I said not really meaning it. ''Hey look a shooting game! '' he exclaimed. He ran over to play and I watched as he won a ton of prizes. He's so good at games and loves them so much it's adorable. He was smiling so much when he was finished. I loved him so much. We were talking and laughing peacefully and I was about to make my move when I was so rudely interrupted by her. I was livid on the inside but kept it down I would deal with her later. '' Ugh , can't you guys stay with us for five minutes you idiots . '' she whined . Idiot ? Who the hell is this cunt calling an idiot ? Especially my Yugi who is no idiot. She is getting on my last nerve . '' So Yugi you want to go play some games ? '' Anzu asked. '' Sure !'' He agreed. '' wait '' I said quietly but they were already gone . No no no no no no NO ! I was supposed to get closer to him but I lost to some whiny bitch . I was livid she was stealing away my angel . Mine. And . Only . Mine. I had had enough of her. '' Hey Anzu , want to go get ice cream? '' Her being the dumbass she is of course said , '' Oh my gosh Yami , of course! " So we go to get ice cream and on the way back I lead her to the woods behind the festival give her a suductive look and say . '' Since we are alone you want to fool around ? '' '' Oh , right now ? You naughty boy . '' she says as she starts to take off her yukata. I start to pull her into a kiss and as she's leaning in. I quickly pull out my knife and with one swift movement I cut her throat . '' Why .. !?'' She gargles . '' Simple you are in the way , I want yugi and won't have you ruining it. '' She falls to the ground and I carry her body and to the sea and dump her in the ocean her blood attracts the sharks as they devour her body . I run back to the festival to Yugi . '' Where's Anzu ? '' He asks ''She went home .'' I say '' She felt sick because of the ice cream.'' '' Oh ok , I hope she feels better. '' he says . '' Speaking of which we should head home. '' I said , '' I'll walk you there. ''
'' Okay, thanks . '' He happily says . I walked him home and pretended to go home but as soon as he went to his room I did something I've been doing for almost a year and a half. I climbed up to his window and looked inside his room as I watched him change his Yukata slipping off his slender shoulders as he changed into his pajamas. I noticed how different we look . I'm tan with a tall , muscular body with red eyes often described as sexy or hot. He is cute petite and short with pale skin , large innocent amathyst eyes . Our only similarity Being our gravity defying hair . But he has a little forelock and has magenta edges of his spikes and I had three extra golden locks going up in my spikes with red edges. You might be saying: '' OMG he's a stalker someone arrest him . '' Well , like I said I'm not normal and I didn't ask your opinion anyway. I watched him sleep for over an hour when I decided I had to go home or my mom would worry. I slipped into my house quietly and crept up the stairs to my room. I went to sleep happily thinking that everything would be fine .

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