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Hello, everyone and thank you for being so patient. The results are as follows. The judges for fan fiction did not give as much (or solid) feedback on their stories unlike most of the other categories. Bear with us, the winners will still be rewarded accordingly.

Title : Arcadia to the amorist by HydratedPibu_Bangtan
Title/cover: 10/10
Blurb : 9/10
Hook: 5/5
Plot and originality : 10/10
Narrative/ voice : 9/10
Character development : 9/10
Grammar/spelling: 20/20
Writing style : 9/10
Overall impression : 9/10
Feedback: I love the story. The covers, plot and originality, in fact everything about the book is superb.

I said 'never' every time by iamjenlisasuperior

Title/cover : 8/10
Blurb: 7/10
Hook: 4/5
Plot and originality: 7/10
Narrative/ voice: 7/10
Character development: 7/10
Grammar/spelling: 14/20
Writing style: 7/10
Overall impression : 8/10
Feedback: The novel is a good one. I love the blurb and hook. Although it's a little bit confusing in some parts, I still love it. Also please there are some grammatical errors so a quick edit should do the job.

Title: legend of five: Shadow lake by Blackwriter09

Title/cover: 9/10
Blurb: 8/10
Hook : 4/5
Plot and originality: 8/10
Narrative/ voice : 9/10
Character development: 9/10
Grammar/spelling: 19/20
Writing style: 9/10
Overall impression : 8/10

Feedback: your novel is intriguing, it's a good novel. Good job!

Title: The way I want you for me by dwarkaratna

Title/cover: 9/10
Blurb: 9/10
Hook: 5/5
Plot and originality: 7/10
Narrative/voice: 8/10
Character development: 8/10
Grammar/spelling : 15/20
Writing style: 8/10
Overall impression : 8/10

Feedback: The story is interesting. There are some grammatical errors or mistakes but the story is good.

Supernatural: daughter of heaven by MermaidAriel13

Title/cover: 10/10
Blurb: 9/10
Hook: 5/5
Plot and originality: 9/10
Narrative/ voice: 9/10
Character development: 9/10
Grammar/spelling : 20/20
Writing style: 9/10
Overall impression : 9/10

Feedback: The novel is amazing. I love the way she writes and the words that she used.

Title: The mistake you made by -TSHHAIRBAND-

Title/cover: 8/10
Blurb : 8/10
Hook : 5/5
Plot and originality: 9/10
Narrative/ voice: 8/10
Character development: 8/10
Grammar/spelling: 19/20
Writing style : 8/10
Overall impression : 9/10

Feedback : I love the novel although there are some grammatical errors like one or two but the novel is great.

Title: I can die for this love by Coolsummer29

Title/cover: 10/10
Blurb: 10/10
Hook : 5/5
Plot and originality: 8/10
Narrative/ voice: 9/10
Character development: 8/10
Grammar/spelling: 20/20
Writing style: 9/10
Overall impression : 9/10

Feedback: The story is superb. I love it. Nice work!

First Impressions: The Marauders by MissLacybee (85)

Title & Cover: 8/10
Blurb: 9/10
Hook: 4/5
Plot & Originality: 10/10
Narrative & Voice: 9/10
Character Development: 7/10
Grammar & Spelling: 20/20
Writing Style: 8/10

Feedback: Okay let me give this straight, I love where each plot gives tongue twisting vibes. I've only ever read maybe one or two stories of harry potter because I am not a big fan of it, but this story just makes me want to read it more and more. It is excellently written. I love the development, the characters, plot idea etc. So I would love to read the other parts of it and I proudly say I LOVE IT. Maybe write the paragraphs a bit shorter but not that short to clean the writing style a bit. Keep up the good work of writing.

Loyalty and Mischief; the untold story of Sigyn and Loki by MermaidAriel13

Title & Cover: 7/10
Blurb: 8/10
Hook: 4/5
Plot & Originality: 9/10
Narrative & Voice: 6/10
Characters Development: 8/10
Grammar & Spelling: 19/20
Writing Style: 7/10
Overall Impression: 9/10

Little feedback: It is a good story and has lots of plot points, but it made me a bit confused because it was a little over loaded, but that's okay. You made it understanding and mixed what the theme/Impression of the Characters are but maybe next time the other characters could have better expressions. Also, the writing skills need to approve a bit. I suggest doing a bit more reading. Overall, I loved it and enjoyed judging it, keep on going and write what you think your passion wants you to write.

Jeon Jungkook- My king dragon by amy-lover-of-romance

Cover/Title: 8/10
Blurb: 7/10
Hook: 5/5
Plot & Originality: 8/10
Narrative & Voice: 7/10
Character Development: 8/10
Grammar & Spelling: 20/20
Writing Style: 6/10
overall impression: 8/10

Feedback: I can say this was the first time I read a dragon AU and it wasn't that hard for me to understand. Maybe you could polish up your writing style. Italics may look good but they're not necessary all the time.

Book: The Guardian's Gift by shiteutea

Title & Cover: 9/10
Blurb: 8/10
hook: 3/5
Plot and Originality: 7/10
Narrative & Voice: 6/10
Character Development: 8/10
Grammar & Spelling: 19/20
Writing style: 6/10
overall impression: 7/10
Little feedback: It was a good book but some people (like me) didn't really expect to read this. You really should've placed hints to let readers know that this is a romantic AU between BTS and Blackpink. Other than that, sure, it's okay. 

Dramarama by EchoStoriesMB

Title & Cover: 9/10
Blurb: 8/10
Hook: 4/5
Plot & Originality: 9/10
Narrative & Voice: 8/10
Character Development: 8/10
Grammar & Spelling: 19.5/20
Writing Style: 9/10
Overall Impression: 8/10

Feedback: Your writing is clear and smooth, things are good and entertaining, I even kind of forgot that I was reading this to judge. All I can say is, keep your writing going and impression your passion while writing. Give the characters more emotion while writing.

Tangled web: tyragathers

Title and Cover: 8/10
Blurb: 8/10
Hook: 3/5
Plot and originality: 8/10
Narrative and Voice: 7/10
Character Development: 8/10
Grammar & Spelling: 19.4/20
Writing Style: 8/10
Overall impression: 9/10
Little Advice: Is that you make book two an entirely new story so that it won't be too long a read. Your story us impressive, nice one.

Please note: If your results are not here, it means that you did not complete your payment. Winners will be announced shortly. Thank you for entering.

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