I watch carefully.

"Finger, 1, 2, 3 and 4," he points to his fingers and I nod. "Finger one, first fret, second string," he places it on there. The string presses onto my fingertip harshly which makes me wince a little bit. "Don't move it," he says.

I don't.

"Second finger, sending fret, 4th string," he moves it. "And then it's third finger, third fret, 5th string,"

My fingers were stretched out, but I furrow my brows. "Wouldn't this string be the first one?" I point to the thinnest with my free hand.

"No, you count down, 6, 5, 4, 3 and so on,"

"Okay," I nod.

"Strum it," he says. I run my finger down the strings so it plays a different tune to it being open. "Good, next is a E minor, take your fingers off and put your first and second finger on the first and second string, second fret," he says but doesn't help me this time.

I follow his instructions, squeezing my fingers into place and strum it. "Good, now a F, you're gonna use four fingers now,"

I nod.

"First finger, first fret, second string," he says, I place my finger tip on it which makes it hurt but I ignore it. "Second finger, second fret, third string,"

I follow along, nodding. "And your third and fourth finger, third fret, 5th and 6th string," he says, I do as said and my fingers were again, stretched out. I strum it and it makes another noise.

"Good, G is an easy note, a beginner note as they say,"

"Okay," I nod.

"First finger, second fret, 5th string, second finger third fret, 6th string and third finger, third fret, 1st string," he says, fixing my finger that I put on the wrong fret. I strum it and he nods. "And last, a A minor. First finger, first fret 2nd string, second finger, 4th string and your 3rd finger is the same, just the third string,"

I strum it again, smiling.

"They're the chords, it's gonna take a while to switch between them quickly,"

I nod, he told me that.

"Now the strumming pattern," he says. "Can I have it?"

I hand him the guitar and he quickly plays the notes, quickly strumming them. "Okay, just watch," he says.

He strums it down, then down, up, down again. "Easy,"

I take it back off him, strumming it openly, saying words in my head.


"Good," he says.

"Then you start with a C," he says, not helping. I whack my brain for memory and know one finger goes on the first fret, one on the second and third, I can't remember which strings. He sigh, helping me move my fingers into the shape. "Strum that in the pattern,"



I do it quicker as he said and then stop. "Great, switch to a E minor,"

"Harry, I don't remember," I whine. He clicks his tongue in annoyance and yanks my hand, then forming my fingers into it.

"E minor,"

He quickly moves my hand around, doing it like he's done it a million times. "F,"

"Basic chord, G," he does it quickly, using his hands to do it and it makes me widen my eyes. "A minor, not that hard?"

my best friends brother || h.s ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora