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As Cameron led Luna through the normally bustling streets, there was absolutely no one around. The empty sidewalk seemed almost ghostly compared to how crammed it usually is. With nothing else to focus on, Cameron was forced to think. The thing that automatically consumed his mind was of course the girl walking beside him. He wanted to know more about her, what was her story? What had happened to the cheerful boy she was so delirious over? Cameron couldn't help but ask himself these lurking questions. It took him an abundance of self control to not speak his curiosity aloud.

Among his thoughts, Cameron realized that he was unaware as to where Luna lived. His original plan was to confirm that she got home safely though peering over at her Cameron realized Luna was too consumed with emotion to possibly hear his questions from inside her bubble of cogitation. Cameron decided that for her sake and his own, Luna was to stay the remainder of the eventful night at his house.

Continuing on the short walk to his house, Cameron was leading Luna inside within minutes. To his surprise she asked no questions as to where they were or even why there were here. Guiding Luna to the living room Cameron, though reluctantly, drew Luna from her thoughts.


"Yes?" her voice quiet and alert, her brain snapping into attention.

"You're probably drained, do you want to go to sleep?"

"If that's alright, thank you for bringing me here by the way."

"Of course, it's no problem. Do you want some clothes to sleep in?"

"If it's no trouble, then sure."

Cameron rushed into his bedroom not wanting to keep Luna waiting. Picking out his softest t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, he was quick to bring them out to her.

"I hope these are okay, I heard girls like wearing boxers."

"This will be fine, thank you." Luna replied with a slight giggle.

It was the first Cameron had seen her smile, let alone giggle. In the short time they had been together, Luna was nothing short of melancholy. Seeing her reveal the slightest bit of joy made Cameron content. In some weird way, seeing her smile was almost his goal of the night.

Showing Luna the bathroom, she quickly changed before Cameron brought her to his room.

"You can sleep in here seeing how I don't have a guest room, I'll be sleeping on the couch." he kindly stated.

"Are you sure? I mean it's your room and I'm the guest, it's only fair that I get the couch."

"I think I can let it slide, I'd rather you sleep comfortably." Cameron smiled.

Thanking him once again, Luna was quick to fall asleep underneath Cameron's soft comforter. With her anguish wearing down on her body and soul, sleep came naturally.

Cameron made his way back to the living room and after his best attempts to get settled on the lumpy couch, he found himself thinking yet again.

Luna had confused him and intrigued him. He wondered what exactly caused her shift from delight to despair. Cameron not only wanted to know, he oddly needed to cure his curiosity. She was an extraordinary girl with an unknown past. And this made Cameron all the more interested.

That night, before he went to sleep, Cameron swore to himself and God that he would make the mysterious girl happy once again.

3:34 || Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now