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Cameron's thin t-shirt clung to his sweaty torso as he exited the club. The lightweight fabric provided next to no warmth against the frigid air. Despite the sweltering temperature of the bar, the outdoors proved to be quite the opposite. Rubbing his arms as a petty attempt to ward off the night's chill, Cameron crossed the street to continue on his route home. He was about to turn left when something caught his eye. Not something but someone. A girl.

It seemed strange to Cameron for a girl to be sitting all alone on the side of the road just past three in the morning. He grew slightly concerned for her safety considering the 24-hour club from where drunk fools poured out into the streets at all hours of the night was just down the street. Cameron himself was in the right mindset after making the wise decision of not drinking the dozens of different cups of alcohol offered to him earlier that night. Good intentions in mind, he decided to go help the girl.

Walking towards the lone tree next to which the girl sat, Cameron silently sat beside her. Taking in her appearance Cameron was able to notice her tear stained cheeks and the picture she held in her lap. The girl herself was clearly in the picture alongside a boy. The photo captured her cheerful expression, her face glowing with joy.

Looking back at girl sat next to him, Cameron was shocked by the differences. Her eyes were not bright with excitement, but instead cloudy with an unknown emotion. Her face was pale and her eyes were sunken in, both clear signs of sleep deprivation. Cameron wondered what had caused the change from the girl in the photo to the girl he sees now.

"Are you alright?" he asked, her tears continuing to worry him.

"Why did he have to leave me?" she cried.

"Who? Who left you?" Cameron pushed.

"He did. I loved him so much, why did he have to leave?" her tears fell faster as she raised the picture towards Cameron.

He assumed that she was talking about the boy stood next to her in the photo. They both looked overwhelmingly happy and Cameron was curious as to where he went. The boy obviously meant a lot to her considering she was so distraught over his absence. Who would leave such a beautiful girl?

"I'm not sure, but I want to get you home okay? Can you tell me your name?"

Cameron was using his most delicate tone, as if he were talking to an upset child. His situation was eerily similar except instead of consoling a distressed baby, he was attempting to soothe a young women drunk with her own misery.

"Luna, my name's Luna." she sniffled.

"That's a truly beautiful name Luna, I'm Cameron. I'm going to try to help you okay?"


"It's 3:34, we should get you home."

And with that the two stood up and made their way down the city streets, the bright lights of L.A's nightlife casting a colorful sheen on their bodies. A hysterical girl and an inquiring boy, thrown together by chance.

3:34 || Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now