The Search for happiness

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I went on a search for happiness 

I went in search for that long lasting euphoria 

The kind that is thrown in our faces as the norm 

The kind of euphoria we get if we only ...

Drink that right cola 

Wear the right clothes 

Are a size 8

With a perfect husband 

And 2.5 kids 

But is that just a fantasy 

Are we deluding ourselves ?

With the ultimate 

Unachievable happiness? 

Then one day i sat down and thought

What is happiness ? 

Is it unachievable?

A euphoric dream ?

Or The nightmare you woke up from ?

Is it being safe in someone's arms ?

Is it the moment you forget ?

Is it standing on top of a mountain ?

Or is it the climb ?

Is it winning ?

Or is it the marathon ?

Is it the victory ?

Or the battle ?

Is it a moment in time? 

Or is it the whole picture ?

Is it living a flawless life ?

Or looking back on the ups and downs 

And deciding you wouldn't change a thing?

Behind invisible wallsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin