Episode 6 - The Coffee Demon! Into the Shadows!

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Narrator Introduction

A mysterious dark being has appeared out of nowhere. What does it want with the group? And why?

Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38RcukYy5JA

Intro Music Starts Playing: Introduction Music: (0:00-1:32) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYymKe82y0c

The Episode Begins

The figure raised their hands up in the air.

???: I mean no harm.

Everyone withdraws their weapon. The shadowy figure drinks some coffee, assuming a human shape.

Valt: Who are you, and what do you want?

Liza: My name is Liza, Liza Fujiiro. I'm a Shadow.

Avanjoline: Shadow. That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

Lillith: Shadow? But then why do you look not like a shadow? And you're friendly, for sure!

Kirbeus: And what's with that excessive caffeine intake?

Liza sips on some coffee.

Liza: Because my species are unique. Allow me to explain.

Liza explains

On the screen then appears an infographic of shadows.

Liza: We Shadows are also known as the faceless people, and our name comes from our normally jet black body.

Kirbeus: Faceless?

Kirbeus tried to imagine himself without a face and cringes, before getting slapped by Avanjoline for being disrespectful.

Liza: Well, the black part may be slightly wrong as we are made of sand. This gives me some shapeshifting abilities.

Liza assumes various shapes to demonstrate the ability, creeping out Kirbeus, Lillith, and Valt, but instead intriguing Avanjoline, before reverting to the human form, kicking up soot which causes Kirbeus to cough when he tried to inhale it to clear it out.

Liza: Before you ask, cause I'm sure you will, I'm what you call a "unified shadow". Basically when a human like you-

She pointed at Valt.

Liza: -fuses with a shadow.

The screen then changed to show pictures of Liza's morphing as an infant.

Liza: I have undergone such a process as a baby, so I'm by your standards, a half-breed.

Kirbeus: Well, you are not alone in that aspect.

Avanjoline pulled Lillith closer.

Avanjoline: Lillith here and I are half-dragons, but I'm half-demon and she's half-human.

Liza: I guess.

Avanjoline: Hold on a minute.

Avanjoline paused, receiving memories of yet another story he heard when he was young.

Avanjoline: Aren't you the Runaway Princess?

Liza: Yes, I just don't like my parents. That's why I'm here.

The Bey she excavated shined briefly at the screen unbeknownst to the rest.

After some Q&A

Kirbeus: Alright, let's check up on my fo- Hold up- Help!

Everyone peaks out of the tent to see Kirbeus fighting a huge pack of bandits.

Avanjoline: Grr, they shouldn't touch those important things, time to incinerate them.

He prepares his weapon, primed to fire, but it suddenly fails.

Avanjoline: Dang it, I need to recharge.

He takes out a mysterious red gem that no one recognized.

Valt: What is that?

Avanjoline started muttering under his breath.

Avanjoline: Sometimes I wonder why people have to dig their noses into my business... Why can't they just leave me alone?

Avanjoline ignored Valt's previous question.

Avanjoline: Time for plan B!

He flipped the staff the other way and slashes at some of the bandits, hitting them once, for their bodies to either melt or get sliced apart at contact. Valt and Lillith head out to fend off some of them.

Liza walked out of the tent, to check on the ruckus.

Liza: What's going on out here-?

The minute she stepped out, a bandit saw the coffee and took it.


Liza takes out a big sword, scaring everyone in the area.

Kirbeus: That sword is way bigger than the similar one I've seen at the Super Smash Arena!

Lillith How does she carry that heavy sword?

Liza went berserk and starts slashing wildly at the bandits. The other four just watch her, stunned as she shrieks and slashes until all the bandits were either severely incapacitated, or dead. She took back her coffee and just stood there, drinking it.

Kirbeus: Amazing...

Lillith: Wow, she's crazy...

Valt: Let's not talk about this anymore.

Liza: And that's what happens if you steal my coffee.

Avanjoline: Oh right, they drink coffee to recover strength.

Kirbeus: At least the fossils are- Wait what?

Everyone turns around to see Kirbeus' fossils fly high into the sky and scatter.

Kirbeus fell onto his non-existent knees.

Kirbeus: No... The Fossils I spent my precious time digging up yesterday... No...

Kirbeus started to sob. Avanjoline bit his bottom lip and walked over, crouching down to the kirby's height and trying to comfort him.

Avanjoline: You know, I should have not underestimated their importance.

Kirbeus: How?

Avanjoline: You remember the prophecy? It was said that those who were chosen would induce the revival of Beyblades. They probably went in search of our future friends. Think of it this way.

Kirbeus wiped away his tears.

Kirbeus: I guess.

Liza: Anyway, can I join your group? I don't want to spend the rest of my life with my parents. Literally death is kinder than that.

Valt: Of course!

Avanjoline, Kirbeus, and Lillith: Why? We'd have to feed her coffee daily to keep her in check!

Valt: Trust me. We'll manage.

Valt held up a large packet of coffee.

The other three just sigh as they welcome Liza to the group.

Kirbeus: I only recall one of the fossils heading that way, let's head there first.

They then packed up their tent and set off, ready to travel to their next destination: Zefā.

Episode Ends

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