Chapter 10 - Alone With You

Start from the beginning

Jisoo: "Thanks for bringing me here, Tae." She said, showing a sweet smile.

Jisoo stood in front of Taehyung, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Taehyung: He was smiling. "I should have brought you here a long time ago, Ji. I'm excited to spend time with you in this beautiful place." He said, calmly.

He reached her face and tucked a curl behind her ear. The feel of Taehyung's touch made her shiver. It was so quiet, she could hear every breath he took.

Taehyung: "Let's enjoy every moment together, okay?" He said with his low tone while caressing her face.

His hand smoothed the length of her hair as he gazed into her eyes, his expression tender and full of longing. 

He stood up while still looking at her. His fingers trailed down her cheek to her lips, outlining the shape of her mouth. He bent down, his lips against her cheek, brushing it lightly. 

Shivers ran through her whole body, making her tremble. He brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple and then traced the line of her jawbone.

For Jisoo, all that existed was Taehyung. The aching anticipation for his kiss was suddenly too much and she reached up and pulled his mouth to hers. 

He kissed her gently, carefully, but it wasn't gentleness she wanted, not when the time was fleeting. She knotted her fists in his shirt and pulled him closer. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled her.

She could feel his warmth burning through his clothes and hers. He fumbled as he pushed her heavy hair aside to kiss her ear. 

She trailed her nose across his jaw, inhaling the clean smell of the ocean, of him. He released a pent-up breath, the sound like music. Her pulse tapped a fast beat and her breath quickened with it. 

They seemed to share each breath, each heartbeat. It felt as if the universe disappeared and all that remained was the two of them, holding each other close.

Taehyung: "Tell me what you feel." He asked with his low and husky tone.

Jisoo: "I can't explain it." Her words were breathless. "Where you're kissing me... It's like starting a fire." She continued. Her eyes are looking straight at his.

Taehyung immediately lifted her up. He made her look at him and held her waist tightly.

Taehyung: "I'm about to do something... but tell me if I need to stop, okay?" He explained.

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Jisoo circled her arms across his neck before nodding shyly. Taehyung carefully laid her on the bed. Their eyes were still locked on each other.

Taehyung: "You are mine." He said before kissing her roughly.

Jisoo opened her mouth which made him explore her with his tongue. After a while, Jisoo didn't know when and how her nightdress fell off of her body. Her bare skin felt so soft under his arms. In an instant, Taehyung is already naked. Her eyes grew bigger seeing his well-toned abs. Taehyung observed her stare.

Jisoo: "Make me yours. Don't hesitate at all. I'm all yours, only yours." She whispered.

Her words in that sultry voice made Taehyung mad.

Her silent pleas to move fast and his hard thrusts took them to another world. They moaned each other's name... repeatedly. 

At the beachside, under the stars and moonlight, they made love the whole night. They experience heaven while being on earth, where they became one physically. 

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This chapter is quiet short so we can focus on their moments together. Let's savor this moment before the big event. :)

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