One Night

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 "To the Dollar Tree!" I, Faye, shouted. "It is the best place to buy a perfectly functioning, amazing new laptop!"

 My friend's laptop had broken, so we decided to buy a new one. Bree (that's her name) and I were both short on money, so we decided to buy a new laptop from the Dollar Tree. What could go wrong?

 We hopped onto our alicorns and rode to the dollar store. The clerk behind the counter didn't give us a second thought as we entered the rundown store. Bree and I found a pink plastic laptop with flower designs on it. Bree set it on the counter and paid for it with a crumpled up dollar bill that she pulled out of her pocket.

 My companion and I headed back to her house and opened up the laptop. It was one of those toy Dora the Explorer laptops.

 "Vamonos!" Dora said as she flashed to life on the screen with Boots and her other friends.

 In her surprise, Bree threw the laptop across the room. "Son of a biscuit!" she exclaimed.

 The laptop stayed perfectly intact. Bree and I stared at it dumbly.

 "Yo te mataremos en su sueño!" Dora said. "Do you know what that means?"

 Boots jumped around on the screen. "I do! I do!" he exclaimed. "It means, 'I will kill you in your sleep!'"

 "Good job, Boots!" Dora praised her companion.

 THE IMAGES run toward us on the screen, and it went black.  Bree and I screamed in terror, and hugged each other as we feared for our lives.

 "D-do you think they will, Bree-chan?" I asked my friend.

 A chill went down her spine. "I guess we'll have to see what happens... You stay at your house tonight, and I'll stay at mine."

 I lay in my bed, my mind racing. My covers were pulled up to my chin. On the nightstand next to my bed, I have a long, silver-blue rapier. The hilt is studded with sapphires and amethysts.

 "So far so good," Bree said. She was tucked into her bed at her house. She grinned.

 "I'm so stupid. It was a cheap laptop. Probably made to scare someone like me." She hears a creaking from her closet.

 My finely tuned ears are able to hear the creak from miles away. "Bree-chan's in trouble!" I exclaim. I leap from my bed and grab my rapier. I don my green tunic with golden lining and black boots and pants.

 "I'm coming to save you!"

 "AAAHHH!!" Bree screamed. She instinctively chucked her Squirtle plush at the closet.

 "NO! Not Squirtle!"

 The giggle of a young girl comes from the closet. The plush is slowly pulled in by a small hand.

 "NO!" Bree yelled and dove into the closet.

 I bursted into the room and saw the open closet door. "Bree-chan!"

 Bree crawled through the closet. "Since when did I have such a big closet...?" she wondered. The giggling sounded behind her. "Squirtle!" she dove toward the sound.

 I plunged into the closet. "Bree-chan!" Where are you?!" I yelled.

 "I'm over here!" Bree shouted.

 "Alright, I'm comin-" I was cut off as I was yanked deeper into the darkness by a small blue-gray paw.

 "NO!" I stabbed the paw with my rapier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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