Chapter 8:My Rival

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Today is the day I won't lose! It's the examination day! Be prepared Sagara Saito! even though you helped me a lot, that doesn't means I'm really useless. Sit there and I will make you know that I'm not! 

I went to school very early, I tried to study inside our classroom since it's not yet time.

Our exam today is all about math, I hope I don't get careless again like the last time. 

"Mei? You're really early" my teacher said as she entered the classroom.

"Hehehe..." I smiled at her. 

It looks like she forgot something, but she immediately got it on her desk anyway. I watched her leaves the room afterwards.

"Well, good luck on your exam" she said as she leaves the room.

I studied and studied...until I heard footsteps outside. Someone actually goes to school this early? Or is it maybe just for today because of the exam. Never mind, it's not my business anyway. I stared at the door and waited for him to come in, I can't help it, my curiosity always kicks in. 

He finally opened the door and to my surprise, it was Saito! Oh come on! I thought that I was the only one that is early today. He always comes out of nowhere. I really can't understand how people think these days, especially boys. Is there any particular reason for him to come here this early in the morning? 

Maybe... He wants to study here too! Did he heard about my plan? does he have mind-reading powers? Of course not, there is no such thing. 

"Hi, your here too" I said to him as I grab my pen.

"Oh...yeah" he replied.

He started to open his locker and get the things in there to his bag. that's why, he just wants to get his things. Maybe I was just overthinking things.

He suddenly sat down and grabbed a book. I looked at what he's reading and it was just a comic book. WHAT, he went to school just to read comics! I wanted to fight him fair and square in academics, but he's not even putting much efforts to it. 

"Shouldn't  you be studying for the exam instead?" I asked him.

"I already studied yesterday, there's no point in studying right now" he replied.

Is he telling me that what I'm doing right now is useless? How rude of him, I also studied yesterday but it's not enough. What's wrong with trying to recall what you studied? 

But maybe he just wants me to shut up. 

He has a point though, it's none of my business anyway.

I decided not to mind him and continued on what I'm currently doing. It was not long till our other classmates finally entered the room. I realized that I'm not that uncomfortable around him anymore, maybe it's because I still owe him a lot. 

"Good morning class" our teacher said as he entered the classroom.

"Good morning Nishiro-sensei!" We replied.

"We will be having the exam in 5 minutes" he said.


After the exam, I hurriedly went back home to study for the next day. I can tell that I'm doing fine. Then day after day, we answered every test. Until the day of the results from our exam finally came. 

When I came to school, I already saw a crowd near the result board. I got excited to see it but at the same time, I'm also afraid. I waited for the students to finish looking.

I stood in front of it and slowly opened my eyes to see the results. I found my name... I found my name at the second place! Wait what?! Saito was first! 

"As expected from Sagara Saito! He even defeated Mei" said the girls behind me as they leave.

Of course I'm not happy, why would I? But it doesn't bother me that much, I mean I know that he's good. I guess I have to try more harder next time. It can't be helped, maybe it's because I was careless. 

Wait I know now!...I lack sleep! That's why I can't think straight during the exam!

I should have rested enough. Why does this have to happen to me right now? bad things always happen in the wrong time. 

"Okay!... Lesson learned" I said to myself. I better go have my lunch, maybe I can just buy extra food to at least celebrate my second place. I would buy some for Shito too, to the cafeteria!

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