Chapter 3: Cursed Reunions. Part 1.

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To say that Tohru was anxious would be an understatement. "Urghh whyy..." the maid uttered quietly to herself as she paced back and forth in front of the guest room- Or as seeing how Y/n would be staying with them for an unknown period of time, Y/n's Room.

"Why...why did I.." Tohru facepalms inwardly as she regretted doing what she did to the one person closest to Kobayashi, aside from herself of course. She stops pacing as a small and confused Kanna tugs on her skirt.

"Lady Tohru? What's wrong?" The younger dragon asked, worried at the strange way the maid moved.

Tail swishing as she did, Tohru looks between Kanna and the door to Y/n's room. "Kanna, I think I messed up!" She loudly says, but not enough to be heard by the two others who were having a one-on-one conversation.

"How so, Lady Tohru?" Kanna tilted her head.

"Th-The person we tied up turned out to be Kobayashi-san's brother! And now..." Tohru trails off as she imagined how asking Y/n for blessings to marry Kobayashi would go.

"So... you wish to marry my sister, huh?" The Y/n in Tohru's imagination said. He pulls out a GIGANTIC holy sword from out of nowhere and gets into a stance.

"Well you can forget it! Filthy lizard!" Not-Y/n shouted as he cleaved Tohru's head clean off.

Tohru shivered at the thought. "We have to find a way to get him to forgive us!" This was all just her hyperactive imagination at work of course, Y/n didn't really think much of the way he got tied up in his own sis's home.

Suddenly, the blonde maid perked up, she smiled as an idea of how to make amends with the younger itadori sibling flowed into her mind. This would probably work...

"Oh, did Lady Tohru find a way?" Kanna innocently questioned.

"Mhm!" Tohru replied with a confident smirk and a thumbs up. "Let's make something for our guest to eat!" She went on as she walked to the kitchen, with Kanna in tow.


Y/n was currently facing down the most dangerous beast that anyone who was not a single child have encountered at least once.

An angry older sibling.

"Hehe... uhm.." Y/n tried to break ice, but his sis' kept her ice cold glare on him, effectively shutting his plan for this talk to go smoothly down to earth. He nervously scratched the back of his neck, a tick, to calm himself.

Kobayashi kept her arms folded, eyes never broke contact Y/n's own.

"So, you come here to my apartment, and without a call nor text? And what's this about a drinking party, I hear?" She calmy said.

But that calm only made Y/n flinch and look away as he hears the last part.


If they ever met up again, Y/n swore he would punch them both in the face, those traitors!

But then his worries were swept away as he hears his sister sigh loudly. "Look, I know you told me to stop worrying everytime you go out to do something Y/n-" her face softens.

"But if you don't tell me, then of course I'd worry. You're family." She offers him a smile.

Y/n lifted his uniform's hoodie to cover his mouth as he looked away, eyes filled with shame and guilt. His sis' never really keeps in touch with their parents, so he'd figure she'd be lonely. He blamed himself for that...

That's why he decided that from now until he finds someplace else, he'd stay in with her.

Y/n finds it in himself to look into her eyes and says "I know... and.. I'm sorry." She only nods understandingly. She leaned back into her chair and unfolded her arms.

The Curse Faction (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid X M!Vessel Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora