Chapter 1 - Paimon Out of Water

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     The creature gasped for air while I reeled in pain. Cranial impact was not the safest thing for me to be participating in while I'm in my current state. I reached for my wound. The pain was intense and sharp. There must have been something behind me that pressed into it. I groaned and curled up into a ball. This is it. I thought. I'm done. I can't keep trying anymore. And the sleep feels amazing.

     I awoke in a similar state to the first time I saw this place. Only this time, when my eyes cleared up something was shaking me. The jolting make my head hurt each time. I sat up dazed.

"You saved Paimon's life!" The creature- Paimon apparently- yelled ecstatically.

"And 'Paimon' nearly ended mine." I responded snarkily.

     After that fall I knew I had underestimated the injury. I rose to my feet and set off. I wasn't sure where I was going but I'd figure it out. Paimon walked- no, floated- in my trail. Somehow, I was unphased. Perhaps it was the surprises I'd already endured from this creature, or the pain that simply made me not care.

"Why are you following me?" I groaned as I fumbled away.

She floated up to my shoulder. "Well, you saved Paimon's life. Now Paimon follows you."

     The sentiment was sweet but I wasn't in the mood to play games with this kid. I needed help, badly.

"Look, I'm glad you're alright but I'm injured and I need help. If you want to tell me where the nearest town is, that's all I need."

"Oh no! You're hurt. Paimon will find you food." She fluttered back towards the pond.

     No no no! I held her back. I did not have time for another pond rescue mission. Her leg slipped out of my grasp but to my relief she didn't head to the pond. Instead, Paimon ran head-first towards two flowers, one yellow and one blue. They seemed to have a shine to them. Perhaps this realm had strange flowers, and they'd yet to be tested if they're edible.

     Paimon returned from their scavenge and handed me a mint jelly dish. I didn't remember any ingredients with that consistency in her arms. I decided not to question it, the food looked delicious. I took a bite and a green glow surrounded me. I took a battle stance, defensive from the shock. Suddenly I noticed the pain had ceased. I felt better.

"What did you do to me?!" I shouted at the bug.

Paimon stared in shock at my confusion. "Paimon healed you, of course."

      Was that possible? She healed me with food? The food surely looked magical but not like that. I knew for sure that wounds didn't normally disappear from a green light show. With the medical objective complete, I had a new mission. I needed to discover what was afoot here. I wouldn't be able to do it alone. I peered over to Paimon. A tour guide is just what I need. And this one feels indebted to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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The Dove, The Eagle, And The Paimon - Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now