Someone i had met...(2.2)

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"Awe!! Sho-kun, and XXXXXXX-kun, is really cute!"

A woman squeeled, as the otheer  one nodded, looking at the two child, cuddling with each other, tired of playing.

The lady then took a photo, of the two, making the oyher lady, beg  her, to send it to her.

"Fine fine!"

Few ywars later, and the boys became really good friends..

The two sat inside the now empty classroom, the other, was doing something, shile the other, watches.



The two teenager, boys, looks at each other, as they slowly, leaned closer....and closer....


"GASP!! ha....ha...what...was...huff...that...?"

The boy aasked himself, as he wipes, his cold sweat.

Shoto' s   pov.


I turned around to see Minae-san running towaards me, with Aishi-san, following her from behind.

I stopped walking and waited for them, to catch up.

"Ohayo, Minae-san... and Aishi-san..."

I greeted, to both of my friends.

"Ohayo~, Sho-kun!"

Minae-san, said, as she then grab something from her bag.

"Ohayo, shoto-kun"

Aishi-san said, calmly,  with an eyed smile, it was really odd, as his smile, really reminded me, of my past life....

"Here, shoto-kun! That's the new volume!"

"Really?! Thank you, Minae-san!"

I said, as i smiled, to her and hugged the bag from her.

"No problemo!"

"I want to know, what kind of books you are lending him, do you mind if you can-"


Both me and Minae-san said, at the same time, wich Aishi-san looks at us suspiciously.

"Why not?"


And with that, both me and Minae-san went towards our class.

I satted down, and looked at the window, i sighed as, how different this life, from my past life.

I have been here for 10 years, already, and yet...i'm still not use to it...

In the past, i only have XXXXXXX-san as my friend...and nobody else.

I guess you can say, we got used to stick together, because, as a child, we would only play with each other, and no one else...

I didn't have any friends, other than XXXXXXX-san, and although, his popular, he didn't really communicaate, with anybody else, except me...

It was kinda weird...but i enjoyed it....

But...then did i exactly die?

OW!!! Wait....I-!


I snap out from my thoughts, and looks at the other students, who were with me, before i turned back around.

What did i thought, about again?

"And that's it for todays, lesson"

We bid the teacher goodbye, before i spaced out again.

It's so weird, how whenever i would think about something....i would forgot about it...

It so weird....

I keep walking until, i bump into a...wall..?

I slowly look up, and saw that it was actually a person!

"I'm so sorry! I didn't look where i was going!"

"It's ok! Everyone makes   mistakes  sometimes!"

And after he said that, i  ran away from the scene.

I know it's wrong...but...what can i do?

I hate, interacting with people... well, except for auntie, uncle, mama, papa, and...Minae-san and Aishi-san....

I can talk to my friends, bdcause they were only little, when i met them!

Sigh....i should  get back.

"Oh,   Aishi-san!"

I called, out, as i   saw  him, heading towards, the cafeteria.

" Oh! Shoto-kun!!"

He then stop walking, and  waited    for me, to catch up with his long legs!!

"Ahaha! You're so, short, Shoto-kun!"

He teased.

"You're 6'2!!!  And my height, is  avarage!!!!!!"

I said, earning a,  "yeah, yeah, keep, telling yourself, that"


To be continued.

I hope  you enjoyed it....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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