how it all started (1)

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A voice called out, touching the black haired's, face.

"Hm..?" The boy hummed, currently being occupied by something.

The taller male looked at him blankly, before he embraced the shorter male from behind.

"..!" Aishi flinched a bit. His friend was never a fan (atleast thats what he thought) of skin ships so he was caught off gaurd. But non the less, he unconsciously leaned his back at him comfortably.


Aishi called out, softly touching his friend's arm hesitantly, afraid that he would make his friend uncomfortable.
But there were no response. Thinking that he was uncomfortable, Aishi retracted his hand from.
When the boy felt no sign of disapproval, He then comfortably rests his right arm, the friend was still hugging him from behind.


The other didn't answer, and just burried his face, in the boy's neck, inhaling, his friend's scent.

Feeling a sharp breath tickling at the nook of his neck, the boy shivered.

"Eek! That tickles!"

The boy shrieked, still feeling his friend's hot breath softly brushing against his neck, making it feel even more ticklish.


But the boy didn't say anything, the other boy, feels, that something was wrong, about his friend, but couldn't figure out, anything, and that made him, annoyed.

'did he have a bad day?'

The boy thought, as his once soft forhead, crunched making a wrinkles between his eyebrows.

"□□□□□□□-san, is there something wrong?"

The boy asked, his friend, who was still hugging him, waiting for his friend's answer, he stops, at what he was doing, and listened, to his friend's breathing.


And once again, the boy was still silent...

The boy, was beginning, to worry about his friend, and he ask once again.

"□□□□□□□-san, is something wrong??"

The boy asked again, but the man behind him, still didn't answer.

Becoming impatient, he began, to forcefully, make his friend answer.

"Answer me, pls! □□□□□□□-san?, □□□□□□□-san?! Ki-"

After his third time, calling his friends last name...the boy, behind him, seems to be not breathing.

"Don't look..."

His friend mumbled, but, the boy, didn't heared it clearly.

"Don't, what? What was it? □□□□□□□-san? □□□□□□□-san? Kiyo-"

Calling out out his friend's name, for the 6th time.

He then slowly, turned his head to look at his friend, but... his friend, cutted him off.



"Ungaaahhh!!! Ungaahh!!!!" A baby's cry's echoed, through the whole room.

"Congratulations, miss Aishi! You have a healthy, baby boy!"

A woman's voice, cheerfully said, as she picks up the baby, cleaning him, before, giving it to the woman, who was in the bed.

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