Chapter 1

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     So let me start this out with who I am... My name is Savanna Reed, and I can't read... So my parents where divorced when I was only 5 years old. By then I was taught what was the bad and what was the good... My parents didn't want me so I ended up having to go to a foster home. I have never went to school so I was the only 5 year old that didn't know how to read... They all made fun of me because of that. I kept thinking in my head 'It's not my fault I never learned how to. I mean I didn't have the greatest parents in the world and thinking about it I didn't even have any besides the foster parents, and they didn't really care about me they had other kids to worry about I was just basically another bother... A couple years past and I was already 15 and there was a new kid in the foster home he was 15 also. I finally thought that I could try to make friends with him and actually socialize with people... The next morning I seen him sitting on the couch by himself so I decided to go and sit with him. "Um... H-hello..?" I said as I sat next to him and looked at him but looked away when he looked at her. "Oh hey." He said with a tiny smile, I felt comfortable sitting by him like he didn't judge me. "How are you?" I asked him as I finally looked at him and smiled softly and covered my face. He moved my hands out of my face and smiled at me. "Why are you covering your face? Don't cover your face your to beautiful to be covering your face." He said softly as he looked in my eyes. Well typical me I started blushing like crazy. "Awe. Well thanks." I said softly as I looked away a tad. "It's the truth. I mean I know this is our first time actually talking but I've seen you around the house. I guess I was never brave enough to say hi." He laughed softly as he looked at the other kids walk up to us. I new that they were going to ruin this for me because the absolutely hate me, and they still make fun of me because I can't read very well. Sometimes I just want to attack them but I can't cause u would get in trouble and I remember my mom telling me to never start the fight let them start it then go crazy... The main girl that led the group was Brooklyn and her two little lost puppy's that follow, Jenny and Alisha. "Hey! You're the new kid here right? Or came her the other day. Well I'm Brooklyn and that's Savanna she can't read so don't hang out with her! She'll make you look stupid like she always does." Brooklyn said as she looked at me and rolled her eyes. "We yes I'm the new kid that came the other day... My name is Nick, and I don't care if she can't read or anything I'll be her friend because so far she's been the only nice one here. Also she doesn't need to know how to read to be beautiful." He said as he looked back at me and then back at them then grabbed my hand and took me outside. "Now that we are away from them. Let's meet properly. I'm Nick and I like playing sports I have trouble with remembering people's names but I will remember their faces." He smiled softly at me and looked out at the yard. "I'm Savanna and I love playing softball I played it all the time when I was 4 with my cousins. I can't read I never went to school and never learned." I said softly and followed his gaze it was getting dark out already. "Well I don't mind that you can't read maybe I'll teach you soon if you'd like." He smiled back at me. I felt like somebody actually cared about me for once. "Thanks. I'd really like that. But hey maybe we should go to bed it's getting late." I said softly and stood up. He stood as well and smiled at me. "Yeah we should. Goodnight Savanna." He said as he reached over and gave me a hug. "Awe goodnight Nick." I said as I hugged him back. Then I walked to my room and changed in to pjs and laid down in my bed. I laid there for a moment and thought about Nick. "He's so sweet." I said before I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I could sleep very well so I got up and turned on my little table lamp and sat at the chair I grabbed my journal and my pen I opened it to the page I left off at and I practiced my writing skills again I knew how to write but just not how to spell or read. So half of the the time I would be misspelling words.
So that's the first chapter!! Tell me what you think by commenting I will update you on when the next chapter will be out!!

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