'Is it an innate skill? But even if she was a Siren, to be able to do that...'

Her ability was nothing like humans. She was more like a forest fairy that only existed in legends.

'A race that only existed in legends...'

Since their ability was powerful enough to destroy the whole ecosystem, his curiosity as a scholar was inevitably piqued.

Vincent began to observe Aria without concealing his eager look.

'She's tamed the beast who has never obeyed anyone else except for their master and even tamed the notorious devil...'

Taming animals seemed to be her ability. Was the Valentine's lineage more easily tamed because their nature was closer to that of a beast than humans?

'It's certainly plausible.'

Vincent thought that his hypothesis could be correct.

Though... if he had said his thoughts out loud, his brother would've killed him.

'The jaguars, the grand duke, then...'

Vincent's gaze suddenly turned to Lloyd.

'How will it go?'

He was still staring at the girl who was asleep.

Unfortunately, Vincent couldn't see his face because he stood behind him.

He suddenly wondered about his brother's expression as he was never one to feel attached to anything.

* * *

Lunch that day was herring fillets sautéed with butter.


Aria stared at the food with admiration.

The fried herring on the plates were arranged with lemon wedges on the side and garnished with chopped parsley on top. The dish was served with a bowl of rémoulade sauce to further accentuate the flavor.

'As expected of the House of Valentine's chef. His cooking is very artistic.'

Aria saturated the herrings in the sweet, sour sauce and popped a large chunk into her mouth.

The sauce was smooth while the fish felt rough, nonetheless, the meat tasted immensely satisfying. The warm mixture was pure ambrosia in her mouth.


"What do you think it tastes like?" Chef Baker asked with a happy smile.

[Tastes like the sea.]

She had never been there before.

Sophia, her mother, once told her about Atlantis.

A long time ago, there was a small kingdom called the Kingdom of Atlantis. Atlantis was known to be the home of all Sirens. But as the years passed by, the Pineta Empire took over the small kingdom and turned it into a coastal city ever since.

Unfortunately, the kingdom had somehow disappeared and now, it's existence was nothing more than a myth.

"Yes! That's right," Chef Baker said with pride.

He also asked Aria if it would be okay for him to take the card with the [Tastes like the sea.] written on it.

'Why do people ask me to give them my cards these days?'

Aria was puzzled, but she didn't have much use of it anyways, so she gave the card to him regardless.

Then, Chef Baker carefully put the card into his arms, as if he were carrying some kind of national treasure.

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