Chapter 43

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I'm waiting for Tessa to be ready for our night out with my family. But I suddenly hear her calling my name. What's wrong?

"Hardin!" She yells and I run to the bathroom.

"Baby? What's up?" I say panicked.

"I think... I think I'm having a miscarriage." She starts to cry and my heart broke for her.

"Shh! Everything will be alright, baby." I take out my phone and I call the ambulance. I give them directions to arrive here and I look at Tessa.

"Please... Call doctor Robbins." She sobs and I quickly dial doctor Robbins's number.

Phone call

"Hello doctor! Tessa is bleeding. We're going to the hospital. Can you be there?"

"Yes, I'm there. But calm down and tell what color is Tessa's bleed."

"It's not red, it's pink."

"That's good. It's a good sign, okay? Stay calm for here, because if you are worried and scared, she will feel you. And tell her that this is not a miscarriage. Usually, when a woman has a miscarriage, she has blood cloths and the bleeding is dark red. But I will check her as soon as you're here, okay?"

"Okay, I understand. I will try to calm her. Thank you." I end the call and I look at Tess.

"Baby... Please, calm down. Breath."

"I'm losing our baby, Hardin..." She robs and I help her to get up from the toilet, putting on her panties and pants.

"No, you're fine. I've talked with doctor Robbins and she said that it's not a miscarriage. Okay? We're going to the hospital and you will see that the baby is fine, okay?"

"I don't want to lose the baby..." She cries harder and I lift her up in the bridal position and we walk downstairs.

"Calm down, it's not good for the baby to be stressed." I kiss her forehead and when we're downstairs, my mother is next to the front door with a paramedic.

Trish: "Hardin? Everything is alright?"

Hardin: "I'll explain everything later, mum."

I don't say anything, I just follow the paramedic to the ambulance. We get inside and he drives to the hospital. As soon as we arrive there, doctor Robbins is there for us.

Dr. Robbins: "Take her to room five, please!" The paramedics takes Tessa to that room and we are following them. "I will do a quick check-up, Tessa. Is that okay?" My Tess nods.

Tessa: "He can stay with me, please?" She squeezes my hand.

Dr. Robbins: "Yes, he can. Nurse Nevin will come here to help you change, then I will do the check-up."

Nurse Nevin comes to us a few moments later and we help Tessa to change in the hospital gown. When she's ready, doctor Robbins comes back and she do what she knows.

Dr. Robbins: "I will do an ultrasound to take a look at the baby." She pours some gel on Tessa's belly and she puts the wand on it, looking at the screen.

Hardin: "Is the baby fine?" I say panicked when she's not telling us anything.

Dr. Robbins: "Yes, you baby is fine in the belly." She hits a button and we hear the heartbeat. I look at Tessa and all I can see on her face is relief. And I'm glad that the baby is fine. "The bleed may come from a bladder infection. But it's nothing bad, we will run some tests and then we will give you the right treatment. But I want you to calm down because it's not a miscarriage. Your baby girl is healthy."

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