"wow." Andrew found it amazing the way the whip would stick to Taehyung's body. 

So for his fun he repeated it many times and now that he stopped it was the 50th time.

The skin around Tae's body started to peel off. his whole body was a bloodied mess. Blood dripping from every corner.

"Now, its time to give baby a bath!" Saying this he picked up a Jug and filled it with hot water. Without thinking he splashed that water on Taehyung who jerked at the burning sensation. it didn't stopped on one Jug, Andrew emptied the whole bucket and when he was done everyone could see the peeled off skin and his bloodied body.

He picked up a tong from near by table and went near Tae, he looked up and Tae and gave a smirk before tearing off the peeled skin off Tae's body forcefully. One by one he pulled most of skin drawing out more blood.

"Hmm, his body is hot. how about I cool it down?" He rushed out and came in with a bucket full of chilling ice cubes.

"Hmm I am not good at aiming but I will try."

On the other side hyungs were helpless, they could see all things with their eyes but couldn't do anything. Jungkook was blank, he didn't knew what to do anymore.





Andrew picked up the ice cubes nd started throwing them forcefully on Tae who flinched at every hit. The ice cubes caused the wounds to get deeper. He aimed for particular body parts like eyes mostly. Tae's both eyes were badly injured.

Now Tae was barely conscious, hot puffs of air left his lips showing he was still alive.

"Bring the rod!" Andrew yelled wearing gloves and a sinister smile to Tae who didn't even saw him.

He dipped the rod into burning coal to heat it till its bright red, ready as per him.

As the rod was hot enough. He pulled out the rod and smiled at the view. It was pleasant for his eyes.

He moved near tae and dragged his fingers on the wound formed by the stabbing. He forcefully inserted his fingers inside scissoring it open, he pushed his fingers more playing with the muscles inside before he removed his fingers and inserted the burning rod making Tae jerk back causing the choker of spikes on his neck to pierce in his skin.

Andrew twisted the rod in circular manner as if he was drilling inside, he did it for 1-2 minutes when he was sure the rod is not hot anymore he removed it and licked the tip humming at the taste. he again inserted his finger inside but this time stretched the skin tearing it open just by his fingers, he inserted his whole palm inside and messed with the insides making Tae puke out blood. 

Once he was satisfied he moved back and took a needle and thread. He again came near and roughly pierced his skin with the needle and sewed it tightly not minding the blood flowing out and the tendons and muscles that were sewed in between as they were hanging half out side while the remaining was inside.

"lets practice bowling now..." 

He asked one of his men to bring the metal ball, soon a giant metal ball was in his hands while he was looking at Taehyung.

"you know, I hated it when you caged me every time. So lets take you down this time!" He threw the ball with his all energy hitting Taehyung's chest. It was sure that his ribs were cracked. He repeated it many times and now he was just hanging loosely on the support of chains. it was as if his body has become spine less. The skin around his chest was slaughtered and one could see his damaged bones inside.

"You know, I love carving, gonna carve my beautiful smiley face on you..." He muttered taking his dagger and moved towards Tae's left biceps and started digging his dagger forming a smiley face with bloody tears.

"Now the last, and my favorite." He suddenly giggled and signaled one of his men who went somewhere and came back with a small machine and some wires joint to it.

He took the wires and connected it to Taehyung's brain, he then inserted some fluids into his arms and threw the needle away.

"lets start the fun now shall we!!"




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