Family Reunion

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We finally arrived at the venue. I got out of the car first then Matt. Everybody was just looking at us, i couldn't help it but show them that i cared less. Obviously my mom told them everything, how i left home without her concern and that i have disrespected her. Not like i cared but it was not really the truth. As i was walking towards my grandmother i saw my dad, and felt a huge lump of saliva going down my throat, i felt my heart beat faster than usual. I felt nothing but pain and misery. How i loved him and hated everything that he did to me and my sisters. Everybody thinks that he is a good person and a good father too. Hell they don't know who he really is. I know that after everything that he did i should hate him. But i don't he is still my father. I so wish that one day he will just say that he is sorry, i am longing to hear those words coming from his mouth. But being the most difficult, selfish and arrogant person that he is, i don't think he will ever get the guts to say it out loud. Well i kept on walking and finally stood beside my grandmother. She was old, she couldn't stand for too long nor talk a lot like she used to. You could see wrinkles on her face, grey hair. But she still had that beautiful smile. She was so happy to see me, and i felt at home by just looking at her god knows how much i loved her, she was more than just a grandmother to me but a friend that always knew how to make me smile and tell me that everything is going to be okay no matter what. And i saw Rose, Matthew's mom. She still looked good for someone who is 59 years old. Well i talked with my grams for a while then Matt waived then i went to him. " Hey sexy, jeez i was starting to be jealous, you have been sitting beside your grandma ever since we got here. Come on. I need your company too". Well Mr i can handle myself, look at you now. You can't spend even a minute without me beside you. Don't get too addicted. You will be mad trust me. Everyone is just looking at us. And you calling me now. You are just giving them something to gossip about. " Let them talk, i don't care i just want you beside me and that is that. They just have to live with it". We both laughed about it. His mom called us then we went to her. " hey love birds, you guys can't get your hand off each other. I swear to god you look like high school kids who are in love, you are just bad at playing it cool. Just cut the act. Because you both suck at it". Did she just say that. Talk about someone who is a straight talker she didn't even run around the bush. How brave. " come on mom just stop, we are not... This is not what you think. We are just two relatives who are just happy to see each other, nothing more. This is the reason why you guys celebrate this thing each and every year, isn't it? Stop being nosey mom". " Well okay son. Lemme live you two to mingle. But you look good together. But don't even think about it". It was nice meeting you again Mrs Jones. See you around. " bye Cassie you have really grown up since the last time i saw you. You are now a beautiful women. You should find yourself a husband now, get married and have lots and lots of babies, the clock is ticking you are not getting any younger you know. I see you have met Matt and you guys get along very well. He is not married doesn't have kids, i want grandchildren, i am old and i might die tomorrow. You guys should give each other ideas on how you are going to make our wishes come true. You should find yourselves partners and get married already and have kids". " mom just go already, we got it". Jeez Mrs jones can really talk she got me right there, thought she knew that me and Matt were hitting it off. I was avoiding my parents the whole time, didn't even say hi to my mom and obviously not my dad. I was with Matt the whole time, giggling and joking around we didn't really care about people looking at us. It was a nice day really i met new people my cousins, close relatives and my aunt's fiance. After the family gathering me and Matt decided to go back to the hotel. So we said our goodbyes then we left. My grandmother didn't want me to go but i wanted to be nowhere but at least 10ks away from my parents. They acted like we didn't know each other, i only spoke to my little brothers. Ain't like i cared but everybody picked up the cold vibe between us even grandma, poor old lady they could have hidden it from her at least, but again they are just dis functional family, it really hurts.

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