The Kiss

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After the kiss i couldn't look at him nor say a word to him. I was just confused, and i was over the mood, in love like a high school girl. But it was wrong but it felt right. His arms wrapped around me gave me an assurance that everything was going to be okay, it made me believe in love again. He finally broke the silence and said, " hey come back to motherland missy, can we go already?. We will use my car, don't you think?". Your car come on now, do you want to make it that obvious ?. " obvious? oh now we are dating i see". Come on silly you know what i mean. " Cass we are related, they won't suspect a thing. I will act normal, i will try don't know about you. Just play it cool okay. Everything will be just fine, can we go now?.". Okay Mr. Pusher let's get going before my mom starts calling me again. Not like i am looking forward to this stupid family reunion anyway. " Cassie don't say that ey, it's not that stupid, you don't choose your family that I know but they should always come first in your life nobody is an Island. So stop being selfish". Selfish? Mr you don't know me, what i had to go through and my story, so don't you dare talk about me being selfish. I have sacrifised my childhood life just to impress my parents and to make them happy i dont ever remember putting myself first but it ends today. For now on i am on my on. I live by my rules and my happiness will come first, you hear me? And i don't need nor want you in my life. I couldn't help it but cry, damn i was still hurting, I've done things for other people my happiness was put aside for other people's happines, my mom and dad. Thought i was over the heartache drama but again whenever I talked or thought about it I always broke down and cried. I am hurt and it sucks because i just want to hear them say that they are sorry. We can't erase the past nor correct their mistakes but sorry will do the trick. I am so sick and tired of being treated like i am the bad guy. I mean people just know their part of the story not mine. Life really sucks. I held her and hugged her so tight, i couldn't look at her because i felt ashamed and selfish. I never asked her why she said those words but instead I concluded everything and said that she is selfish. God knows what she went through. And please god forgive me for judging her. You could see in her eyes that she was a fighter but still hurting. Her heart kept on skipping beats and i finally let go and gave her water. God knows how much i loved this women. And for a moment there i promised myself that i will love her, respect her and never hurt her. It was still early to think about that nor say those words but it felt right at that moment and I knew at that moment and time that she is my wife, the mother of my kids and the pillar of my strength. The one who will unbreak my heart and love me till forever. Call it illusion but i knew that it was love but nothing else. I knew at that moment that i have found my soul mate. That i will forever cherish and never let go. " Look cass i am sorry i never meant to hurt you even more and to say that you are selfish. And i know that you hate me right now but believe me i regret everything. I love you with all of my heart and sorry again. Can you please forgive me. I don't know what happened between you and your parents but i can tell that it is slowly killing you inside. Everything will be okay, you are a fighter. I hope one day you will realise that yourself. I love you Cassie so please don't say that you don't need me in your life, you can't just expect me to call it a day and say that it was nice meeting you and what i have for you was not real. I am not a robot but i am a human being with heart that beats only for you". Come on Matt i am a mess i think you deserve someone who is good for you not me. I forgive you anyway it's not really your fault i mean it's not like you knew what happened in my past. But still it's not late to untie the nod. You deserve better. " I deserve you. I love you and I can't just let us, you go. You are a part of my life now. And you just have to deal with it missy". I love you too Mr take no for an answer. And thanks for understanding it means a lot to me. You are just unbelievable. " yes i am thanks for looking closely". Don't flitter yourself Mr. As i laughed. " Come on thanks for busting my little bubble it really got me deep in th heart. Thanks for being heartless.". Don't be a baby Matt, let's just go before we get there late. He took his car keys, we went to the parking lot, got inside the car and drove to the little park at my home town were the family gathering will be held. We finally got the after 30 minutes or so.

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