A Sneak Preview From My Past

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As i was sitting on top of my bed my mind quickly skipped to my past, i was still sobbing, with tears flowing down my cheeks, i remembered the last time i cried like that. Well when i went to college i didn't have friends guess i was always a book worm didn't have time to socialise thought it was a waste of time. Well i was still a newbie didn't know the place that well, i was faraway from our small home town, i was now in the big city. The first week was just okay it didn't feel weird because not everybody had friends yet, i didn't know how i would pull that off being an anti social person that i was, but i cared less, i mean i was used to my little space anyway. Had a room mate well she was weird, always wearing black clothes, with lots of piercings. Everything about her was dark, guess that's why she called herself the black queen. My lectures where okay but my Business lecture was somehow too friendly, he got along with almost all the girls but not the guys, it didn't sit me that well it was just wrong, maybe i am too judgemental or something. Well a month passed by, still without friends. It was Saturday so i decided to go to the Library and study for the next coming up test, it's not like i had anything to do. Everybody was preparing to go to the Freshman party, i was not looking forward to it, i mean i have never been to a party before with my peers, unless it was my little brothers birthday parties. Not like my parents would have allowed me to explore that part of the world, they were strict. But Nadia didn't really listen to them, she was a junior plastic at school well known and stuff and an A student. My sister was just perfect she had everything, the looks, nice body, very popular, had a hot boyfriend that each and every girl wanted to have, she was a cheerleader, a plastic and very smart. She had it all and at times i would get jealous not like i am ugly but i could never be her, i was just known as Nadia's little sister nothing more. I don't think most of my peers that i went to the same school with still remember me. Okay back to the library part, as i was studying some guy sat beside me, i was kinda suprised because it seems like people always kept a distance from me, as if i have flu or something, maybe it was because i was not a fan of little talks and i was always serious, didn't really smile a lot. You could say that i was not friendly but it felt pointless to smile at strangers or sit beside strangers. I went back to my huge book and continued studying untill he broke the silence. " hey my name is Brandon". I just looked at him for a while and avoided saying stuff like so if you are Brandon what must i do? Okay at least i was not in a bad mood or rude so i said hi without telling him my name of course what if he is a stalker or someone hired him to kill me, you don't just tell people that you don't know your name well call it being paranoid but i should take cautions when it comes to my safey. " I didn't get your name though".  Did he really ask for my name? , jeez why can't he just go away or find a seat somewhere and sit beside someone who doesn't look busy. I was studying for heaven sake that's what libraries are for the last time i checked. ' Cassie come on stop it just answer the guy and stop being paranoid '. Oh sorry my name is Cassie and as you can see i am trying to study i have a test on Thursday, so can you please keep quite,  i know that you are hot and everything but i would rather look at you but talking is off limits right now. Did i just say that?. " Oh sorry missy i was just being friendly, no need to be rude, lemme just go and find another seat then".  He stood up i didn't really care but i was rude so i grabbed his hand and said, no please just sit down, just that i really need to finish this chapter. Didn't mean to be rude to you. I am not the friendliest person on earth but i try at least i am human and i know when i am being rude. " it's okay i understand Cass, maybe we can catch a movie or maybe lunch later if you dont mind, so that we can get to know each other well just to start on a clean slate". Is he like asking me out i mean i am not really that attractive not someone you pass and look twice. Okay Brandon lunch will do. "I will sit by that little chair at the corner there when you are done let me know then". Okay. He stood up and went to sit at the corner. I spent about two hours studying. When i was finally done, gave him a signal got my bag pack and left. We went to a small cappuccino place just two blocks away from the library. Ordered muffins and two cappuccinos. He was talking a lot just sat there and listened not like i was bored or something but i am not really talkative. He was a nice guy really. Well that's how we met, went on several dates, dated and two months later he was involved in a motorbike accident and died on the spot. He was my only first and last boyfriend i didn't go to his funeral that day when he was buried i stayed indoors locked myself inside my room then cried, it took me more than two years to accept that he is gone. Even though he promised that he would never leave me. Even still today i think about him and wonder how things would have turned out for us if he was still alive. He was a friend and i brother that i never had. And i don't think that i will ever find a guy like him.

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