
"Promise. Now I have to go." Nat hung up the phone.

Valen turned away from the window. She shuffled her feet to the couch and slumped down onto it. Half her face was smushed against the couch as she looked at the television.


"Valen is going to find out about this sooner or later." Sam stated.

"Not today she isn't. We all agreed it's in her best interest if she doesn't know. At least for now it is." Nat was checking to make sure none of her gear was left behind.

"If she notices I'm gone, then she knows it's not a ... what did you call it? Oh, a quick look at something." Bruce was bouncing his leg, feeling nervous.

"Peter will be there. He'll distract her to not notice." Wanda chimed in.

Loki sat the furthest away from everyone. His arms were crossed and he looked at his feet nervously. Thor was worried for his brother because he has never been this way for as long as he could remember.

"It's better this way. We're protecting her." Thor sat down beside Loki.

Loki didn't say anything. He just looked at Thor before going back to his feet.

"When did you suspect they'll be here again, Thor?" Wanda asked.

"Heimdall said he saw them gearing up for battle when Loki and I left Asgard. From there it would only be a matter of days before they decided to invade. I would say that day would be today."

"A whole army just for a girl?" Steve raised an eyebrow, questioning if this was real.

"When she became an Avenger and people started realizing what she could do, it was obvious who she was. She's not just some girl to them. They'll do anything to take her back. So yes there is a whole army coming down here to take Valen because they know we would all protect her if they did." Loki let out a breath of air after his little rant.

Clint was screwing on his arrowheads. "Who doesn't love an army of ice giants coming to Earth to declare war for an eighteen year old girl?"

"She's going to kill us." Bucky leaned back in his seat already picturing Valen's reaction to all of this.

"Or just Steve." Sam whispered.

Wanda looked at the ground and smirked as she overheard Sam's whisper.


Peter walked around trying to find Valen. She wasn't in her room, the kitchen, the gym, or the living room. Finally, he found her on the rooftop looking up at the sky.

"Usually star gazing is at night when you can actually see the stars." Peter looked up at the sunny sky.

"I'm cloud gazing. See that one up there?" Valen pointed to a cloud in the sky. "Looks like a bunny."

Peter looked up but there were too many clouds to see which one she was pointing at. He laid down beside on. "That one looks like a cloud."

Valen backhanded him on the chest. "Shut up. How was school?"

"Good. We don't normally do anything on the last couple of days."

"Are you excited that you're done with high school?"

"Part of me is. Part of me isn't."

"Next step is college." Valen almost whispered as she started to play with her hands.

Peter admired Valen as she watched the sky. She looked beautiful and peaceful. "I have a question."

Valen smiled as she turned to her side and looked at him. "I have an answer."

Valen | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now