Truth or Lie

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"You remember her?" Peter repeated Valen's words.

"MJ, right?" Valen looked at the girl who was beside her.

MJ nodded, still partly terrified that she just appeared out of thin air. Her eyes were wide, not taking them off Valen just in case she disappeared.

"V, you never met MJ before. Not even before all your memories went away." Peter was trying to think of times on their walks where they bumped into MJ, but it never happened.

"I'm sorry, but how are you two not freaking out that she just popped up, right here, beside me?" MJ interrupted.

"It scared me too, but isn't it cool?" Ned smiled.

MJ nodded her head, still looking petrified. "Yeah. Cool. How do you guys know her?"

"This is Valen. Valen, this is MJ, who I guess you know somehow." Peter scratched the back of his head trying to figure out what was going on.

MJ calmed down when she recognized the name. "Oh. Aren't you the girl who Peter fell in love with but then died?"

"That would be me."

"How do you know me, exactly?" Even though MJ calmed down, she was back to being creeped out.

"Well I guess I should say I just know your name. I slightly remember being in a car with Peter and he was texting you. He told me you were a girl from school and that your name was MJ. The only thing after that I can remember is being extremely jealous."

Peter's face lit up in a smile. "I knew you were jealous that night!"

Valen and MJ gave Peter the exact same look of 'are you serious?' before turning back to each other.

"Anyway, sorry for scaring you."

"It's fine. Let's just not appear out of no where for a bit. Don't think I can take a second heart attack." MJ smiled at Valen as she joked with her.

"I can do that." Valen half smiled back, already liking her.

MJ and Valen went into the living room as Ned and Peter stayed back. They looked at each other, completely confused on that whole interaction.

"Did you give Valen something before I got here?" Peter whispered.

"No. We haven't even ate yet." Ned whispered back.

"That was weird right?"

"She didn't act like that around me when she first met me. She has said more words to MJ than she has to me, and she's only been here for ten minutes."

The boys could hear MJ laugh in the other room. They both shrugged and shook their heads before joining the girls. MJ and Valen were sitting on the floor with their backs against the couch as they talked. Ned sat in a side chair and Peter sat beside Valen on the floor.

"What are you two talking about?" Peter asked trying to find out what was so funny.

"Physics." MJ said with a straight face.

"Seriously?" Ned asked.

MJ smiled. "No, but we should start on physics." She grabbed her textbook and opened a page with notes tucked into it.

Peter and Ned did the same thing. Valen sat there with no clue on what to do. She stretched her neck to look at MJ's book, but everything looked to be in gibberish. MJ caught Valen looking so she moved her book over for her to have a better view. Valen put a hand up and shook her head. She didn't want to know what it was anymore.

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