Birth of Milims sister

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In the dragon faithfull temple-
Early morning-5:30

Father Midray (POV)

Today i was going towards our main temple and was gathering our followers to pray towards milim-sama and veldanava-sama.

I shouted towards them," Oi, Hermes c'mon gather the remaining ones!"
I heard my useless captain say," Ok fathe Middray".

I waited a few minutes and Hermes came with the other members.
I told them," Move faster you dimwits"

Then suddenly i sense a massive amount of magicules in the main temple's top floor.

I immediately rushed toward the seal that veldanava-sama created .

Does this mean that the seal made by veldanava-sama is failing? No, the seal is not failing, it must be the plan of his majesty for this to happen.

I immideately see a dense black energy that sends a shiver down my spine, even though I cannot sense it.

It is so massive that there is no comparison between it and a demon lord.

The only people capable of holding this much Magicules are the true dragons, the first demon lord Guy Crimson, and Milim-sama.

Suddenly i sense two massive amount of magicule signature coming here, One is milim-sama and the other is her fellow demon lord, Guy Crimson.

Milim-sama told me that Guy Crimson is the only person who can match her and it was him along with Ramiris, the spirit queen that quelled her wrath when she was on her rampage.

I watch as they fly down at speeds I can't comprehend and start walking towards us.

Milim Nava (POV)

I was a Guy's palace to ask for a spar as i was bored and had nothing to.

Since he was the only one that can match me so i challanged him to a spar.

Being alive for all these years has made me bored and i want something interesting to happen.

Guy accepted and while we were sparing i sensed a massive amount of magicules inside my father's room in the temple. Except, i cannot even call it magicules. The closest description i would have made is my Stardust energy, and even that is too far-fetched.

Does this mean he is reviving? No, that isn't it.

The energy is far too dense to be magicules, but it is only a quarter of my own magicule pool and that is a big deal.

I look over at Guy and he is shocked, and more like dumbfounded.

I ask him,"what happened Guy what is that energy?".

I asked him that because his face screams recognition.

Guy finaly regains his composure and says to me,"Milim that energy is the energy of the chaotic neuclear dimension, Turn:Null, and it is the energy used by Veldanava-"

I immediately cut him off,"THAT ENERGY IS USED BY MY FATHER"
I shouted while shaking him.

He immediately slaps my hands back and said,"Yes it is used by your father, and he used it to make the world, he even showed it to me what it is and I couldn't comprehend the nature of the energy at all. And before you ask let me tell you, no he isn't coming back.

He said to me that he sealed the ability into his temple because he said it was too powerful.

Looks like his seal is coming off huh, i thought it will be sooner."

WHAT! An ability that father thought was too powerful! And guy can't comprehend it's nature, oh my god.

And what does he mean that the seal is coming off.

Does that mean that the ability will come to me or someone else, but this requires an investigation.

When i come see that annoying old man that calls himself my priest with my other followers and see where they are looking. The seal made by my father is too complex for anyone but Guy to understand due to his ultimate skill.

Then i suddenly hear the voice of the world,

{Notice.The seal created by the individual Veldanava is being broken down by the Voice of the world.}

What, the voice of the world is removing the seal huh.

But why? And the answer to my question is given by the voice of the world the next moment.

I heard my followers muttering something about the voice of the world in a shocked tone, but i am gonna ignore that.

{Notice.The ability has gained a will and to prevent it from going in a rampage,The voice of the world aknowledges the ability as the daughter of Veldanava and gives the permission to evolve into a dragonoid lifeform}

Wait a minute , I AM GONNA HAVE A LITTLE SISTER,oh my god,oh my god,oh my god what do I do, oh i know, i will teach her all my special moves and she will look up to me and call me nee-chan.

I am finally going to have a family that stays with me .

I hear Middray say," So a young mistress huh. I wonder what will milim sama name her sibling."

As Middray says this everyone gets out of their shock and begins cheering for the birth of the new princess.

My mind was too flustered with the information at hand to react to anything else but i force myself to pay attention to what was happening otherwise i miss something.

{Notice.Basic information about the family of the dragonoid is gifted. Begining the evolutionary transformation and sleep}

Then the ball of dense energy glows and starts to take a humonoid shape.
It is the shape of a little girl who looks about the age of 8. She is very cute with beautiful features and shoulder length platinum blue hair.

She is Naked and does not have a cloth to cover herself up.

I immediately take make a white cloth and cover her with it.

When i look at her, her eyes are a shining golden with a dragonic pupil.

My sister is so cute and beautiful, my mind was in bliss right now. Finally i will have a proper family.

I shouted at my followers," what are you waiting for,hurry up and make some clothes for my sister!!"

They quickly realise that the young princess is naked and the men quickly ran away while the women got themselves started to make some cloths for the mistress.

Milim starts thinking of the things she is gonna teach her little sister while unaware of the fact that the voice of the world is projected through the whole world.

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