Chapter 5

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Under Morrowseer's instruction, Stonemover sent numerous letters back to the Night Kingdom, informing him about progress and things like that. Morrowseer suggested that he start the tunnel near the stronghold, so that whoever they chose for the next SandWing queen could have an easy access to the rainforest.

Some of the letters mentioned a SandWing peasant named 'Thorn'. Morrowseer returned the letters always with the same reply; 'end the SandWing if she gets to friendly'.

After a length of silence, Morrowseer was handed a tightly bound scroll. He opened it up, worried that it would say more about this Thorn character, but instead it said:

To Morrowseer,

It is done. The tunnel is complete.

But I am not returning to the Night Kingdom. I'm going some place where the NightWings will never find me. I can't use my animus power to serve our tribe anymore.



Along with the letter was a map of where the tunnel was situated.

Morrowseer growled under his breath. At least the tunnel was built, but he had a nasty feeling that the reason for Stonemover's departure was because of that SandWing. Maybe I could persuade him to remain loyal to his tribe, Morrowseer thought, with the help of my claws and teeth and fire. He rubbed his talons together and hissed.

"Tell the queen that what we were waiting for had finally been done," he ordered a young NightWing. What was his name again? Oh, right. Strongwings.

"Uh - the queen?"

"Yes, the queen."

But at that exact instant, several NightWings barged into the library.

"Morrowseer!" Wisdom said. She ducked her head respectfully, breaths shallow and quick. "Her Majesty is suffering severe wounds! She requests your presence immediately!"

"Quiet! Quiet!" a weedy dragon snarled at her. "This is a library, young lady, not a -"

He was cut off as Morrowseer shoved him out of the way. He darted after Wisdom and the other NightWings, heart pounding. What had happened to Queen Battlewinner? What if she died and her useless daughter Greatness took the throne?

And worst of all: what will happen to my tribe?

They threw themselves into the Council chamber, where Battlewinner lay, next to the lava.

Morrowseer flapped his wings frantically. "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

"Mother!" Greatness sobbed beside her.

Morrowseer reached the queen's side, ready to help the healer. But there were no external injuries to be seen -

- no! Curse those IceWings! Morrowseer hissed inwardly. Battlewinner's eyes were turning an icy blue, and frost was spreading across her chest and muzzle. When she opened her mouth to speak, he could see that the inside was coated with the same frost that covered her chest.

"The lava!" Mastermind shrieked from behind Morrowseer. "Put her in the lava! The lava!"

"Like that would help," the healer muttered, rolling his eyes.

Morrowseer was already shoving Battlewinner towards the lava. She was struggling furiously, but then she subsided. Her breaths were getting more and more ragged.

"NO!" Greatness sceamed. She flung herself at Morrowseer and tried to haul him away, but he smacked her aside with a single blow of his tail. The other NightWings began to plead with him and badger him, clawing him with sharp talons.

Stop, you spineless worms! I'm trying to help her!

Morrowseer growled, and with one mighty push threw Battlewinner into the red hot lava.

He leapt back just in time as a shower of golden droplets fountained into the air, then plummeted back to the magma.

There was no cry of pain, no thrashing or agonized movement. Morrowseer twitched his tail. Had he been too late...?

Battlewinner raised her head out of the lava, ice blue eyes wide with amazement.

"I - I'm alive."

"Mother!" Greatness cried joyously. She flew over to the queen, ready to embrace her, but Battlewinner shied away. Her scales must be burning hot to the touch.

"How do you feel, Your Majesty?" Morrowseer asked.

"I feel...normal." She coughed, as if talking hurt. "Who - who did this?"

Mastermind opened his jaws importantly, but Morrowseer stepped in front of him. "I did, Your Majesty." He felt Mastermind's enraged eyes boring into his back, but Morrowseer didn't flinch at all.

"'ve proven be a loyal and - and trusted NightWing. For must be rewarded." Battlewinner shivered, then submerged herself once again into the lava.


"You must right claw dragon," Battlewinner decided. "You saved...your queen's life."

"Nothing would honour me more," Morrowseer said, bowing deeply.

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