Chapter 2

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After a few days, it was finallly confirmed that it was safe to enter what remained of the fortress.

Morrowseer learned that the dragoness he had rescued was Secretkeeper. Moonscale and Brightsong were dead.

He was summoned to Battlewinner's throneroom that afternoon.

Battlewinner narrowed her eyes when she saw him approaching. He bowed low and respectfully, with a quiet "Your Majesty" to follow through. 

"You are Morrowseer, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"They say that you are smart, and have a way with words. I need your help."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty?"

"The other tribes think that we are all-knowing...all-powerful. And, yes, they are right about that, but they also believe that we can read minds and see the future, and also deliver prophecies. So, I need your help to come up with a prophecy that will save us from this horrid fate. Find us a new home, Morrowseer. Save your tribe."

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