'Heh so i was right.serves ya right you bastard.'

"I know you idiot", i said in a low voice.

Tamura began crying even more intensly than before, if that was even possible.

I remembered something important that if i don't deal with now than my sister will come to me for a payback and kill me for sure.

I immediately said to Tamura," hey Tamura i got a request for you".

Tamura immideately nodded his head," My friend destroy my computer and absolutely make sure that it is destroyed ".

Tamura weakly chuckles," oh you haven't changed have you sempai"

I also chuckle and say,"All in my appartment, give it to my nee-chan."
Tamura said ok as he had met my sister and knows how to contact her.

Satoru (pov)ends

In the chaotic neuclear dimension which contains the primodial energy of creation and destruction.

Anyone who can access the energy of the dimension of the void is omnipotent,but it has been sealed inside the Dragon faithfull temple by the creator and god of all because he thought that the ability was too dangerous.

After he sealed the ability inside his temple he fell in love with a human known as Lucia.

He trained lucias brother ,rudra, to be the first hero to create balance in the world as the first demon lord has come into existence.

Guy was the strongest primodial demon who was summoned in the cardinal world and was ordered to destroy the opposing nation.

He was bored so he did as ordered.

He ate the souls of the nation and
suddenly he evolved into a demon peer.

He asked for his payment of his summoners soul but the summoner betrayed him and inturn he killed them.

After hearing the screams of the people he named himself guy .

He challanged the creator veldanava , telling him to prove that he is a god.

While guy put up a good fight he was defeated in one attack.

Guy's pride won't let him work under anyone, thus he asked the creator to kill him instead.

The creator didn't kill him nor take him as a subordinate, but instead he appointed him as the mediator of the world as the humans will destroy themselves and guy's duty is to keep them in check.

Guy uses fear to keep the humanity United and against him .

To counteract this fear Veldanava created a symbol of hope.

It is known as a true hero, the direct opposite of a demon lord .

The first hero known as Rudra came looking looking for guy to slay him and end his tyranny but ended up becoming his friend instead.

Rudra and guy became friends and rivals, then on a whim, saying the name of guy is lame, Rudra thought of a 'cool' last name, thinking that when he defeats him, the name of the demon lord the hero defeated should be something cool.

Thus Guy became Guy Crimson, granted it almost took Rudra's life to do so.

After a while the news of Lucia being pregnant came and they were overjoyed.

But due to the system he created,Voice of the World, as a god he shouldn't love of being more than the other, so the system took veldanava's power from him.

When his daughter was born, with the last remaining strength named his daughter, Milim Nava, and created a small clone of himself to be the friend of his daughter.

He and his wife perished in a human attack leaving behind his daughter.

He gave the responsibility of taking care of his daughter to the spirit queen, Ramiris, and left his daughter in her care.

After a few decade things were finally stable and milim was out hunting for her friend.

The surrounding nation heard of a dragon and decided to eliminate the dragon before it becomes any more of a threat in their eyes.

They took a large army of cavalry unit and mages to kill the dragon in his sleep.

They succeeded but suddenly they heard a small girl with a huge bulldear on her back.

The girl was cute with bright pink hair in pigtails and short stature, cute chubby face, filled with baby fat.

They would have been cooing over her if not for the monsterously large aura comming off her.

Milim came happily jumping and tiptoeing over to her house that aunt Ramiris have her and would visit her often.

But when she arrived she saw the solders, elves, of jistav dynasty standing over her friends corpse.

Her wrath was through the roof and she was extremely sad, as the last remainder of her father and her childhood friend were dead.

She acquired Unique Skill : Wrath as a reminder of her anger and rage.

She rampaged in the nation of jistav and her unique skill wrath turned into Ultimate Skill : Wrathful King Satanael as during her rampage the she evolved into a demon lord.

She was confronted by the first demon lord Guy Crimson, who came to fight her and calm her rage.

Their fight utterly destroyed the landscape.

Their punches caused earthquakes and their kicks jumpstarted tsunamis.

Their energy attacks were enough to destroy the galaxy but was kept in check by Ramiris, the fairy queen, using her labyrinth as a barrier.

After the battle was settled by Ramiris they joined Guy Crimson into the ranks of Demon Lords and helped maintain the balance of the world, not that Milim cared about that.

They lived for 14749 years and were getting bored but then suddenly they sense a massive amoung of energy forming inside the dragon faithfull temple .

The Manifestation At The End Of The WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora