Several days later, Peter Pettigrew comes down to get me, telling me they wanted some answers. I just nodded at him, he grabbed my arm and led me to where they wanted me to be. It was a large room, it looked like a ballroom that hadn't been used for a party in a long time. I was stood in front of Lucius, Bellatrix, and a couple of her goons. I did my best to hide any emotion on my face as I stared down Lucius Malfoy, waiting for something to happen.

"Where is Harry Potter?" Lucius asked

"I don't know"

"Don't lie to me"

"I'm not lying! I don't know where he is, I've been trapped here for months!"

Realizing I was right, he instead asked, "What was he planning?"

I glared at him, refusing to answer.

He looks at Bellatrix, inclining his head, she smiled and shot the Cruciartus Curse at me.

The pain I felt was instantaneous, it radiated throughout my entire body, stabbing at every part of me. It felt like my head was going to explode as I tried to keep in my screams, so I finally gave in and screamed in pain, not even recognizing my own voice.

She stopped for a moment, I realized I was on the ground, when he asked the same question.

Catching my breath, I said, "I don't know"

She shot the curse at me again, it was even more excruciating than the first time. It felt like knives were being dragged across my skin, and my throat felt like it was on fire, until it suddenly stopped. When I looked up through bleary eyes, I saw Draco taking the hit from the curse above me before I blacked out.


Draco's POV

Blaise and I were in the drawing room, trying to figure out where Maggie could have ran off to. I told her to run, I know that, but to not even see or hear a trace of her in months was unusual. She would've found a way to contact me by now, she knows I would need to knkow she was okay, but there was nothing.

We heard screams echo throughout the Manor, both of us closing our eyes for a moment to adjust to the sound, but something in my gut told me to go towards it.

"Come with me" I said to Blaise as I headed out of the drawing room.

The screaming stopped for a moment, letting me breathe a little easier, as I heard my father's voice asking his recent victim a question. Then I heard it, it was weak, and pain laced, but it was Maggie's voice. My eyes snapped to Blaise, who heard the same thing, my mother coming around the corner, saw the look on my face and realized what I just heard.

All three of us ran into the ballroom when her screams started up, again. There she was, lying on the ground, writhing in pain, as my aunt was shooting a curse her way. My father just standing there, watching her torture. I ran in without thinking, jumping in the way of the curse. It brought me to my knees but I was able to cover my angel's body. I saw her look at me before she passed out.

My mother yelling for Bellatrix to stop in the background, I finally felt the constant pain stop, it still coursed through my body, but it was dull and dissipating. I continued to lean over her, studying her like I hadn't seen her in years. She was thinner and paler, her skin covered in grime, dirt under her nails, knotted up hair, and dark circles under her eyes. I rose onto my feet once I got my bearings, and stood facing my family. Blaise stood guard behind me, protecting Maggie, as I stepped forward.

"How long has she been here?" I asked my mother first.

"I have no idea, Draco"

My head snapped in my father's direction, stone faced but I knew I'd get my answer in time. "How long has she been here?"

His Princess: A Draco Malfoy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now