Second Year

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    Harry and I went with the Weasley family to Diagon Alley by floo, it was definitely an interesting experience, we lost Harry somehow along the way but Hagrid found him in some creepy alley. We were wandering around a book store so we could get whatever books we needed for school this year, all of the kids were about to go to another store when we ran into Draco and his father.

"Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a book store without making the front page." Draco stated before making eye contact with me.

"Leave him alone" Ginny says, stepping forward

"Oh look Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend" Draco says smiling

Stifling a giggle, Harry looked in my direction. I cleared my throat before speaking, "Sorry" I said before seeing Draco send a smirk my way.

Draco's father, Lucius, moved him out of the way to speak to my brother. Coincidentally, Draco stepped closer to where I was, I glanced his way with a small smile when he slipped a folded piece of paper into my jacket pocket. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised before he sent me a quick, but genuine, smile, making me avert my eyes and blush.

"I've never seen you before," Lucius turns to face me, "You and Draco seem to get along." I ducked my head and glanced towards Harry, "What is your name?"

I straightened up, looking straight into the grey eyes of Mr. Malfoy, "My name is Maggie Potter"

Mr. Malfoy's eyes widened a bit before looking between me and Harry, "I didn't know Harry Potter had a twin" he said sounding surprised.

I smirked his way, "I think that was the point"

Before Mr. Malfoy could respond, Mr. Weasley interrupted to have a conversation of his own before Draco and his father left.

Harry pulled me aside, "What were you doing beside Malfoy?"

"I was already standing over there when his father pushed him aside, Harry" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Then, why did Mr. Malfoy say you two were getting along?"

"I don't know Harry, we just made eye contact" I stated, exasperated

"But you looked guilty when he said something about it"

"Just drop it Harry!" I whisper-yelled before walking out of the store.

Seeing that he didn't follow me, I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the piece of paper Draco gave to me.

Hey Love,

Meet me at my carriage on the train about 30 minutes after we leave the station.


I just shook my head and laughed before stuffing the note in my pocket, I wonder what he wants to see me for.


I got up from my seat in our carriage and started heading towards the door, "Where are you going?" Hermione asked

"Just heading to the bathroom and then probably getting some candy, I'll be back soon" I said shooting her a smile.

"Let me know if you find Harry or Ron" she said, sounding concerned

"Will do!" I said before heading out and towards Draco's carriage.

I knocked before opening the door, I saw Crabbe and Goyle before I spotted Draco.

"What are you doing here, Potter?" asked Crabbe, as he shoved a chocolate frog into his mouth

His Princess: A Draco Malfoy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now