chapter eight

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"i really like you and i just wanna tell you because you haven't made it clear what you want but here i am making the first mo-" i get cut off by a soft, gentle kiss.

after a few minutes, harry starts talking.

"i don't like you," he begins, my smile turning into a frown, but he continues, "louis william tomlinson, i fucking love you."

"harry edward styles, k fucking love you too." i respond.

i lean for a kiss right as harry does, the kiss was passionate and slow, but sweet and full of love. we haven't known each other that one but it feels like it's been a life time of love and memories.

my hand on his cheek and his hands at the nape of my neck, it feels amazing. it feels how the novels explain kisses; butterflies, the spark, everything. i thought people would look at us weird but no, after we released the kiss, someone said "aww you're such a cute couple." and it made me and harry smile, even though we weren't dating yet.


that was a few months ago, me and harry have been dating for about a month, my youtube channel has started doing well, not enough to earn a living, but i decided to get a job at starbucks, the place me and harry had our first kiss, and i don't regret a thing. i save enough money to rent a small, 2 bedroom apartment, why? who knows. i feel as if one bedroom was to small, and in the long run, cheaper, about £800 a month.

i've started to slowly get behind the wheel again, it's gotten less scary every time, but it's gotten to the point now, where i'm no longer scared, i've even taken harry to work a few times and even brought him home when he was too tired to drive.

me and harry wants to take it slow, we only ever kiss and hold hands and obviously hug, but we haven't had sex yet. not that i haven't had sex yet, i had this phase where i would go to clubs after i graduated so i could see if i could find my soulmate, i end up in bed with some of them. i bet harry has done that, too and i hope i'm not alone.


authors notes

okay so this chapter is shorter than the last but I'm almost done with this fic. I might do one or two more chapters then an epilog. I honestly enjoyed writing this and doing something different (doing first person and writing happy scenes more than sad scenes) so this has been a very fun experience. vote, comment, and share. much love <3

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