chapter three

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it's been 3 weeks since i've seen harry at school, so today i don't have any hope of seeing him. he hasn't even contacted me.

so i decided to do something that's probably gonna get my heart broken, but do i care?  not really.

me: harry, i like you, not platonically, but romantically. and I hope you feel the same.


it's been a few days since i texted him how i felt. there hadn't been any response. he hasn't even been at school,  i wonder where he is. where he's gone. what if he's been lying the whole time?

"hey louis," i hear my mother say in my doorway.

"hey, what's up?" i respond, mum looking a little worried.

"are you okay? you haven't seemed okay for a bit."

"aw, don't worry i'm okay." i lie, but mum knows that, i'm a horrible liar.


it's been months since i saw harry, now is summer. there has been no news on him. so confused cause one day he was there and the next he wasn't. he doesn't understand.

"lottie, what was harry's instagram?" I ask, so i can go through his account.

"who's harry?" lottie says.

"that guy i told you about??" i respond trying to jog her memory.

all i got was a confused look.

then my vision turned black and white again.

"what the fuck is happening?" i ask myself.

"louis are you talking to yourself again?" my mum yell asks from downstairs

talking to myself? huh? i haven't been talking to myself.

"no," i yell back.

am i going crazy? what's wrong with me? was i dreaming that day?


harry: who the hell is this?

wait, that's weird? harry doesn't know me???

me: it's louis, from maths class?

harry: I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but stop texting me. I don't know anyone named 'louis'.

I try texting back, but it doesn't send. shit, harry blocked me.

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