Peter went up to the register, setting the bottle down on the counter and pulling out his wallet. The cashier looked him over and then began ringing him up.

"ID," the older man said.

He pulled out his license and showed it to the man. After a few seconds of looking at it, the man nodded, and Peter put the license away.

"That'll be fifteen bucks."

He pulled out the cash, a couple of fives and ones, and left it on the counter. The man put it in the register, gave him the receipt, and told Peter to have a nice day. He immediately grabbed the bottle and started walking towards the door when he stopped and turned back around towards the cashier.

"Is there a town near here?" he asked.

The cashier looked back up at him. "About a mile down the road. You can't miss it. Just head that way," the man said, pointing towards the opposite direction Peter had come from.

He nodded, taking in the information. "Is there a bar there?"

The guy looked over him for a few seconds. "Yeah. Tim's."

Peter smiled. "Thanks."

He left before the cashier could respond. As soon as he was outside, he opened the vodka and drank about a third of it. The familiar burning sensation entered his throat, and his body instantly relaxed.

He started walking the way the cashier had told him, taking a drink from the bottle every once in a while. He couldn't feel anything and knew the bottle wasn't going to be enough. But that's what the bar was for. He'd get some shots, maybe manage to get a few free drinks. That's as far as his plan got.

That's when he realized his phone was back at the house. But it didn't matter. He could walk back or convince someone to give him a ride.

After about twenty minutes (he thought, but what the fuck is time anyway), he came upon the town. It was smaller but still had quite a few buildings. A few people were walking around. But otherwise, it looked pretty empty.

But it didn't feel empty. It felt homey.

There were older elements to the town: a Hardware store, an Antique shop, some kind of thrift store. And then there were newer buildings with smaller restaurants. Through everything, he pointed out Tim's fairly fast. The building didn't look as old, but maybe it had just been repainted.

As he walked over he went to take a drink from the vodka, only to realize the bottle was empty. Peter threw the bottle into the trash and then entered the bar. The bar was fairly empty and yet full. A group of older men were sitting in the corner, laughing and drinking beers. A couple was sharing drinks and talking. Then there were the stragglers sitting around drinking by themselves. Some at the tables, some at the bar.

The bar wasn't anything special, but he liked bars like that. It was smaller and kind of run down. A random rock song played over the speakers, not too loud but not too quiet. He immediately went to the bar, sitting down on a stool. A man stood with their back turned on the other side of the bar.

Must be the bartender.

He thought about what he was going to get, and that's when the bartender turned around. Peter's heart stopped.

The man was hot.

The bartender looked around his age, tall with blue eyes and shorter brown hair.

Not to mention the man's body. Damn.

"Hi. I'm Ashton. What can I do for you today?"

"Shot of tequila."

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