Chapter 4

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It's been 2 weeks since the day Nanon left Ohm's apartment asking for a break. He never called or messaged him after that. Ohm on the other hand missed him so much but kept quite as he respected Nanon's decision. They met often for events and promotions where they acted friendly before the audience but maintained a distance when they were not in public. These changed were noticed by their bestfriend Chimon and he decided to talk to them over dinner. Ohm declined his invite as he had a dinner date with his 10 year ticket series costars. Nanon agreed to meet Chimon at the restaurant.

At the restaurant:

Chimon was at the table waiting for Nanon. Just then Nanon enters the restaurant and walks towards Chimon.

Nanon: I am so sorry Mon. Got caught up in some work.

Chimon: It's okay. Why don't you order something for yourself.

Chimon observes Nanon while he goes through the menu. No one could notice the changes in Nanon but Chimon could see the dark circles and restlessness in his eyes. After placing the order, Chimon decides to talk to Nanon.

Chimon: Non

Nanon: Hmm

Chimon: What is going on between you and Ohm?

Nanon: Nothing

Chimon: Non

Nanon: We..We are taking a break.from each other.

Chimon: But you are not a couple. Why do friends need a break from each other.

Nanon: We..

Before he could say anything, the restaurant door opens and Ohm enters with Tu. Chimon looks at them and then looks at Nanon. Nanon eyes were tearing up and he was clenching his fist.

Chimon: Non

Nanon: I am okay.

Ohm and Tu sits at the table across them. Ohm sees them and he nods his head acknowledging their presence.

Chimon: Non, do you want to go somewhere else?

Nanon: No. Let's just have food and go back soon.

Chimon:  Okay

Soon their food is served and Nanon begins to eat his food. He occasionally glances at Ohm when he thinks he is not looking. Nanon was shocked to see Ohm trying to fix his shirt and Tu coming near him to help him. His heart crushed on seeing the closeness between them. He could no longer tolerate it.

Chimon: Non

Nanon: Please excuse me. I need to use the restroom. He quickly gets up and walks away from there.

Ohm's POV:

Ohm suggested this restaurant because he knew Chimon would be bringing Nanon here. He just wanted to see him once. He is so frustrated being away from him that he is unable to concentrate on his work. He just want to end this stupid break and hug his Nanon.

As soon as he entered the restaurant,  he saw Nanon with Chimon. He also noticed Nanon's expression change when he saw Tu with him. So he intentionally took a table across them. As he placed his order, he saw Nanon peeking at him. A smile appears on his face on seeing his childish act.

As he was staring at Nanon, he felt someone's hand on his shirt collar. He quickly turns around to see Tu standing next to him.

Ohm: Tu

Tu: I am sorry to startle you. I was just fixing your collar.

Ohm looks at the next table as he hears a chair being dragged. He was surprised to see Nanon stand up and run towards the restroom. Ohm looks at Chimon who was looking at him with a weird expression. He was also showing some actions with his hand. Then he began to type something on his phone and after a few seconds, Ohm receives a message on his phone.

Chimon: Follow him you idiot.

Ohm looks at Chimon in shock and then turns towards Tu.

Ohm: Excuse me Tu. I need to use the restroom. You won't be alone. The others are outside parking their car.

Tu: Okay.

Ohm gets up and rushes to the restroom.

Inside the restroom:

As Ohm enters the restroom, Nanon was nowhere to be found but one of the cubicles was closed. A sniffling sound was coming from inside the cubicle.

Ohm: Nanon

No answer.

Ohm just waits outside without saying anything. After some time, the door opens and Nanon steps out of the cubicle.  He is shocked to see Ohm standing outside. Nanon just walks away from there ignoring him while Ohm walks behind him. He washes his hands and face. He then looks into the mirror and see Ohm staring at him. He starts to walk out of the restroom but something catches his attention.

He walks back to Ohm and stands before him. He then raises his hand towards Ohm's collar as he just stands there without saying a word. Nanon fixes the upturned collar. He then starts to walks out of the restroom but is stopped by a hand holding his wrist.

Ohm and Nanon just look at each other but does not say anything. Tears start forming in Nanon's eyes. He tries to free his hand but Ohm tightens his hold. He quickly takes out his phone and dials a number.

Ohm: P, its Ohm  I am sorry I cannot have dinner with you guys today because of an emergency.

He disconnects the call and dials a second number. Ohm looks at Nanon.

Ohm: How did you come?

Nanon: Nonnie dropped me.

Ohm: Mon, I am taking Nanon home. Please inform Nonnie the same. Thanks dude.

Ohm finishes the call and let go off Nanon's hand and looks at him with a fierce eyes.

Ohm: You have 2 options. You can either come with me willingly or I will carry you on my shoulders.

Nanon: Ohm

Ohm: I am serious Nanon. If you don't want to make a scene,  just come with me.

Nanon nods his head. Ohm walks out of the restroom followed by Nanon. They quietly walk out of the backdoor and gets into Ohm's car and drive away from there.

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