21. Memories Turn To Nightmares

Start from the beginning

Enzo took one last moment to appreciate what they had. He waited until he was sure that Spencer was asleep.

And just when the time was right, he grinned. The clock read 1:16 am. He quietly took his arm away from hugging Spencer and moved off of the bed.

Enzo tip toed over to his drawer and pulled out the rope and handcuffs. He had been planning this for a while now, so he had it all figured out.

It was hard to see through the darkness, but he managed. He carefully flipped Spencer over on his back.

Spencer snored quietly as Enzo took the covers off of him, leaving him in his t-shirt and sweatpants. He took one hand and handcuffed it to the backboard of the bed and repeated it with the other. His arms were spread across the bed, causing his arms to hold the weight of some of him and his head to be in the air.

Spencer started to wake up, his eyes just about to open. His snoring stopped which made Enzo realize. Enzo rushed over and turned on the lamp. He then moved back to right in front of Spencer; the end of the bed.

Spencer's eyes opened slowly, his head drooping down. The first thing he saw were his legs in front of him on the bed. Looking up more, he then saw Enzo holding a rope in front of him.

That's when confusion hit Spencer. He felt dizzy and exhausted, having just woken up. "W-What..?" Spencer quietly said.

He then noticed the feeling of the cold metal on his hands, as well as the loss of blood pressure in his wrists. They were holding most of his weight and were really tight.

Spencer looked up at one of his hands and saw it was cuffed to the bed. His brows furrowing, he jerked his head the other way to look at the other hand that was cuffed.

He looked back at Enzo in front of him, panicked and confused. "Enzo what is this?"

"Those are handcuffs. And this is a rope." Enzo pointed out the obvious and took Spencer's left foot and tied it to the bedpost.

"What the hell are you doing?" Spencer panicked.

Enzo picked up Spencer's right foot but Spencer fought. He kicked his leg all around to make it hard for Enzo to grab it.

"Enzo stop! Answer me!" Spencer yelled while struggling to fight Enzo.

Enzo won and tied his right foot tightly to the other bed post.

"Ow that's too tight!" Spencer yelled.

He tried yanking around but the restraints held him back. The handcuffs made noises as they hit each other.

Enzo just stood there and watched as Spencer fought against the restraints.

Spencer eventually gave up and calmed himself down. "I'm going to ask you this nicely. What are you doing?"

"Showing you who I really am." Enzo answered.

"What? 'Showing me who you really are'?? What is that supposed to mean???"

"It means I've been pretending to be someone I'm not. And that I'm taking this opportunity to show you."

"What do you mean? Enzo I know who you are!" Spencer said.

"Then who am I?" Enzo asked.

"You're the man I fell in love with. And the man I still love. You're my boyfriend. Enzo you're the man I want to spend the rest of my life with!" Spencer's eyes watered.

"That's really how you feel?" Enzo's voice remained calm, him slowly pacing back and forth. His shadow moved with him through the dark room.

"Yes! So why are you doing this?" Spencer asked.

"I've already answered this. I'm doing this to show you who I really am." Enzo started. "I'm not the guy to go out of my way to buy some 'special' guy flowers. I'm not the guy to watch the sunset with 'the man I want to spend the rest of my life with'." Enzo mocked Spencer.

Tears rolled down Spencer's face and a large ball formed in his throat, making it hurt to swallow. "So this whole thing, it was all just pretend?" Spencer looked at him.


"You don't-you don't...love me?" Spencer's voice broke in and out.

"Nope. Everything you think that I felt about you is all wrong." Enzo walked to one side of the bed and got super close to Spencer. The shadow made a half of his face dark and the other slightly lighter. He stared into Spencer's soft eyes. "Ever since the night I met you the only thing I've wanted from you is to be my little bitch. The only thing I was looking forward to the whole time we were 'dating' was this very moment. And now that I have you, I can do whatever I want with you."

Enzo smirked, his whole face going evil. Spencer unforrowed his brows as his whole face went to pure rage.

Spencer gave Enzo the deathly stare down of his life. "I'm not your little bitch. I will NEVER give you what you want, no matter what it is. And there's nothing you can do to make me. The only way this is going to end is by me and my BAU team hunting you down and killing you." Spencer leaned as forward as the handcuffs would let him, Enzo keeping his smug face in place.

"Ha, that was fun to listen to. Number one, you are my little bitch already. Number two, you will give me what I want, whatever and whenever I want it. Number three, I don't need to make you, you'll be trained to naturally do it. Number four, if you ever tell your BAU team about this I will kill every single one of you in the worst way possible. And number five, if you ever even attempt to kill me, let alone hurt me, I will make you suffer in ways you can't even imagine." Enzo described.

Spencer took that all in for a moment then asked: "And how do you suppose you'll make me listen to you?"

"By force, dominance and violence." Enzo finally stood all the way back up and paced in front of Spencer again. "I mean look at you and then look at me. Who do you think has the upper hand here?"

Spencer didn't say anything. "That's what I thought. Now, we'll establish more rules later, but for now, if you ever disobey me I will beat you. In any way I please. You know just the usual: abuse, assault, torture."

The last one made Spencer gulp. He looked away in fear. Just the thought of that made Spencer scared to death.

"Aw does that scare you, Spencie? Because if you're scared now, you just wait until it happens." Enzo threatened.

Spencer started breaking down. He looked up at Enzo with tears flooding down his face.

"Enzo what the fuck! I fucking loved you! I had the best times of my life when I was with you! I told everyone about us because of how happy I was to be with you! You made me so happy, how can this be real?? How is this who you truly are?? I thought I knew you! I thought I was in love with you!!" Spencer sobbed.

Enzo leaned back in so close to Spencer, they were nearly touching. "Well if this means anything to you, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings."

And with that, Spencer jolted into a sitting position out of breath. It was morning, he could tell from the sunlight in the room. He took a moment to collect his thoughts.

It was just a dream, Spencer thought. But how could it have been a dream if it actually happened? Did Spencer just dream a memory? Is that even possible?

He thought back to yesterday. Yesterday he hung out with Derek and watched Schitt's creek. So how could have fallen asleep and woke up from a nightmare that was the exact memory from his past the day Enzo broke his heart?

Spencer just sat up in the bed in confusion. He looked at the clock just as his alarm went off; 7 am. It was time to get ready for work.

Enzo looked up at him, having just woken up. "What's wrong with you?" Enzo rubbed his eyes.


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